Chapter 8

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I was still sat watching her while Emmett and Jasper were still laughing at me. Jasper stopped suddenly and lent over and said "Who's that?"

"Who are you talking about?" I said.

"The one who just came back in with the black spiky hair." He said with a look of pure lust that had just clouded his face.

"Why?" I said with a smirk.

"Just tell who the fuck it is" He demanded

"OH HO! You're not fucking laughing at me now are ya?" I said with a laugh.

"Come on boss...who is she", It sounded like a whine and I didn't know he had it in him. It just made me laugh harder. It was OK to laugh if it wasn't at my expense.

"That my friend is Alice if I remember correctly she is one of Bella's friends. She was with her last week at the Chinese place I ate at." I said.

"Fuck me, you mean I could have had her last week?" He looked like someone just smacked his fucking puppy. Guess I ain't the only one whipped without the pussy huh.

Emmett must have been on the same of thinking cos we both looked at each other than back at Jasper and shouted "Whipped" the bust into a fit of laughter. All we got in return was a raised brow, a lazy smirk and then he shrugged his shoulders before he went back to looking at Alice at the end of the bar. I looked at Emmett and raised my brow. He just shook his head at me with a smile.

I had just taken a mouthful of my Jack when a hand shot in between me and Emmett. I felt myself frown. I followed the soft, pale looking skin right up to the face of its owner, who turned out to be my fucking angel in all her glory and I had to smirk back...time for some fun.

"What can I get ya angel?" I said.

"Payment" She said with her hand still held out for what I assume was money. I looked into her eyes saw they had dilated and glazed over with lust. Fuck that look looked good on her and I felt my smirk get wider not to mention I could feel myself getting hard.

" just want me for my money?" I rasped out and I didn't even fucking recognize my voice at the moment because it had turned deep as fuck. I had to clear my throat a little.

"Of course" She said with a straight face. Well shit at least she told the truth right? Yeah then she started laughing, she wasn't the only one either, Emmett was the loudest of course.

"Fuck got a mute button?" She said with a raised brow and slapped her hand over his mouth, Emmett must have seen the look on my face because he batted her hand away pretty fast and she started to laugh. I was happy she was getting on with Emmett but the thought of her touching anyone but be made my fucking blood run cold and ball my hands into fists until I could feel my nails breaking through my skin and my knuckles turn white. She was not touching anyone else but me and if anyone thinks about touching what's mine he's pretty much a fucking dead man.

"What's up Mr. Green-eyes" She said with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. She knew bloody well what she was doing little fucking minx.

"You want my card or what?" I didn't mean to be a prick about it. Just images of her and some faceless dude in my head pissed me the fuck off. I shook my head to get rid of them and looked up at her to see she was looking around the table. She took another look around and stiffened. I looked at her eyes which looked weary.

"You good?" I asked her. I just wanted to know what had spooked her. She looked like she was contemplating something, like her brain was battling with something.

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