"Hello Officer!" I say loudly as I greet the police, hoping Elle has got the cuffs off.

But when she doesn't appear, I'm forced to look at the police officer who is stood looking at me and waiting to get down to business. He doesn't look happy either...

"Mr Bagans, am I right?"

I nod. "Yes sir, you can call me Zak."

"May I?" He gestures to be let in, and I step back, welcoming him in.

"Is there a problem?" I ask. Walking over to the lounge area so that we can sit down.

"I just have a few questions, that is all." He says, sitting down and placing a folder to his side.

"Questions... Do I need a lawyer?" I ask, sensing a shift in the room.

"I'm not here accusing you of anything, just to help me with a few enquiries.. If you would feel more happier with a lawyer, we can ask these questions down at the station?"

The idea doesn't sit well with me, so I shake my head and remember my right to remain silent. After all, I don't want to talk myself into trouble..

"We are following up a report of a missing person." He says, opening the folder and picking up a photo.

When he places it onto the table, I recognise the woman instantly. "Do know this woman?"

I gulp. "Y-yes. That's Elle. She's my, well we haven't put a label on it, but if we had to, I would say she's my partner. We are in a relationship."

The officers brow twitch.

"Hang on missing person?" I ask looking at him.

"Friends and colleagues have been unable to contact her for the past few days. Having a medical condition, we are eager to ensure her safety. Her disappearance is out of character."

"You think she's been taken?"

"Like I said... We are eager to ensure her safety."

"She is safe." I tell him feeling my defensive side take hold.

"And how can you be sure?" He probes.

Because she's handcuffed to the draws in the kitchen?

"When was the last time you spoke to Elenor?"

"Elle.. You think I've taken her?" I ask, offended.

I would never, never hurt her!

Although it is kind of true that I have taken her and kept her for myself this past week, but I haven't been keeping her hostage! She knew she could leave at any time.

God, please don't let this cop walk into my kitchen...

"I am not accusing anyone of any acts of crime. I'm just asking if you have seen her. Her friend... Mia, reported that they both had an argument, regarding you and your past." He says picking up the file to look in it. "You've been arrested-"

"Over half my life ago!" I interrupt. "I am a completely different man now. Elle is my partner, why would I want to kidnap or hurt her?"

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