"Yeah" I snapped.


"Someone been busy in my office with fed bugs" I said. I could feel my body shaking with anger and my knuckles were white.

"Shit, I was hoping she was wrong" He muttered, I don't think he was talking to me or himself.

"Don't use your phone, there ain't no telling what else the fucker has got hold of, have peter check when you get here. I'm gonna ice that little bastard." I say fuming.

"I'll be second in line" he said with a sigh.

"I got big plans for that fanook" I seethed "Pull Jazz aside if and let him know, I'm off" I said as I hung up.

I sat back in my chair and ran my hand over my face, then decided that there weren't much to do until I had the call from the old man with the info I was pretty sure was gonna come, So I went back to the payroll, I hated this part of owning a club, There were about 20 girls that worked for me on the floor and in the private rooms, not to mention the bar staff, I had a manager that did this for me most of the time, she was good at her job, but I was here and it took my mind off the other shit going on so I decided to do to fill up my time.

About 11 the phone call came that I was waiting for, I picked up as someone knocked on the door.

"One minute pop's" I answered.

"Come in" I shouted. Emmett and Jasper came in and I waved them over to the chairs in front of my desk, I motioned to close the door and put the call on load speaker.

"Who's here?" I asked.

"Just Emmett and me, Peter is still out there, he just went over our phones, both clean" He said I nodded and pointed to the bug still on the floor. They looked about as pissed as I did.

"Go on pop's" I muttered.

"Well I had Tony check on the info you gave me, turns out his name is Micheal Newton, worked for the FBI for five years but has been MIA for the last 2, his record was sealed but Tony cut through the tape, lo and behold he's undercover, How the fuck did we miss this?" The way my pop's spoke to anyone that didn't know him, he would come across as calm, but that's when he's at his deadliest..then watch out.

"Che stupido a piccola madr" I sighed "We've been round these fucker's for years, How the fuck did he get through, I mean we all missed this, then my girl takes one look at him and can tell straight away, we all need to pull our heads out our asses and pay better attention, this was a fucking rookie mistake" I said.

"Son calm down, we just have to figure out what we do with this information now" My pop said.

"Calm down he says" I mutter to my self "I got plans for this fanook, I say we put him in a place with the rest of his family...down the docks" I say with a big fucking cheesy grin on my face.

Both my boys had been quite up until now when Emmett starts cracking up and Jasper chuckled.

"You fucker, you wanna put him with the rats?" he manages to get out between his laughter and trying to breathe.

"Damn straight, Right where he belongs, they'll notice he gone, I say 24hrs with the rats after a bit of torture and the maybe a car accident...whad'ya say?" I was actually getting excited.

"I'm with ya man" Jasper says, I know he wants in on this, I don't blame him, he fooled us all and being a rat is about as bad as it gets in the Borgata.

"Alright boys, He's due to call in tomorrow, when he's made the call we'll snatch him up..I want to talk to him before he visits with his family" He said with a chuckle. I was a bit surprised as were my boys, it's not often my pops get's involved with this part of the job anymore, must be a special occasion. I smile at the thought. My father was still on the line when I received a txt, I quickly said goodbye and ended the call, I checked the txt as Emmett and Jasper started talking between them.

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