She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through my hair and shit if it was anyone else I would have taken their fucking hand right off, but this shit felt so good. When she tugged it and put her mouth next to me ear I could feel her hot breath on my neck. I suppressed a shiver and willed my cock to go down...shit she hardly touching me.

"I'm good are you?" She asked in a breath...Jesus fucking Christ.

"I'm pretty fucking good at the moment angel" And before my brain could catch up with my hand it was already on her hip giving her a squeeze fuck was she soft. I mean she had a bit more meat than I was used too so I had something I could hold onto. You seriously don't wanna know the shit going on in my head now.

"Good enough to know you got a cop sat at your table?" I didn't register what she said at first so I sat there a second. I felt my hand squeezing harder. I didn't have control over it. When the words finally registered I stiffened and pulled my head up and locked my eyes with hers. She looked right back at me. I know I had only seen her a few times and everything but as far as I could tell what comes out of her mouth is the truth. I could see it in her eyes; she had no reason to lie to me. As if she could tell what I'm thinking she nods her head slightly and moved her eyes over to Mikey then back to me and nodded again...Fuck! I didn't know I was squeezing too hard until her hand left my hair and tapped on my hand lightly. I looked at my hand and saw my knuckles had gone white...shit that was gonna leave a mark. I let go quick and pulled her onto my lap in one swift move. I would have laughed at the little squeak that left her mouth if I wasn't trying to get everything thing straight that was running a mile a minute in my head. I buried my face in her hair and took a deep breath, fuck me strawberries. That shit she smells so good.

"You know who I am?" I asked her.

"Yeah" She said in a firm tone. Yeah she didn't give a shit who I was and that was a first for me. All the other birds came onto me to get fucked and see what they would get out of me but she didn't give a toss. I liked it.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked. I had switched over to boss mode. I could see Jasper giving me a look out the corner of my eye but I ignored him.

"I hate the bacon...they didn't help me when I needed it, let's just say a little bit of pay back" She said, her voice could rival mine at the minute. I pulled back and looked at her again. I don't know what I was looking for, but the way she was looking at me I felt as though I could trust her. Like she could see me, the real me, with just one look and that scared the shit out of me.

"How do you know?" I asked looking over at my lads, they were almost like family, well they were family I knew them all well, and at least I thought I did. Mikey has been with us for two years now, if he turned out to be a cop then he was a fucking dead man. There was no telling what that fucker had let slip to the feds. I was trying to recall what the prick had seen over the last few years, not that it mattered. What pissed me off more is that I had a rat and didn't even fucking suspect it. That shit's not right and if I had been on top of my game I would have seen but I wasn't...and then it takes one look from my angel and she could tell right away...fuck.

She leaned in again and said "My dad was a cop...I got a built-in fucking radar for that shit"

I couldn't help it I threw my head back and laughed again loudly. I gave her a squeeze, and then I felt her wiggle against my dick, which happened to sit up and take notice. I forgot she was on my lap up until that point and I could feel the lust pour over me like a bucket of cold water. I shifted my hips and may or may not have rubbed my dick against her ass and fuck it felt good too. I had to smirk at her. I could feel the heat from her core through her jeans. She wanted it as much as I did of that I was sure. Mikey was all but forgotten for a minute.

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