"Yeah, I'm seeing a therapist. Every thing's fine."

Aiden gave a cursory glance around the apartment— the faint stench of AJ's bowel movement lingering stubbornly— as if to call bullshit. She held a straight face and prayed a stray roach wouldn't scuttle by. After a moment he accepted it and scooped up Aiden from the floor.

"Give mommy a kiss." Aiden prompted AJ, who happily perked up his lips and planted a huge smooch on Sid's cheek. He hoisted AJ's compact little frame in his arms supporting his back with his large hands. Sid caught herself trying not to notice the metal that encircled his left ring finger. It appeared there six months ago. After she had to take AJ to get fitted for a little tux. She stayed with Tomi the weekend of the big event. Drinking and talking massive loads of shit.

"See you next week then?" Aiden asked. Sid pulled her eyes from his finger and gave a tight smile and nod. He was through the door quickly and went down the hall to wait for the elevator.

"It's broken." She told him.

"Oh, right." Aiden crossed over to the stairwell and Sid offered one last wave to AJ as they disappeared into the stairwell.

Sid retreated back into the apartment. The silence in the space without AJ was always a bit of an adjustment. In the kitchen, she looked at the ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs. AJ's favorite. Well, not his favorite but the only thing he's sure to eat at least half a toddler plate of. She didn't feel like cooking but decided to get to it. No sense in being alone and hungry.


Two hours and two plates of Spaghetti later, Sid was deep into watching a baking championship when her phone rang. She glanced at the screen. Chante's name flashed across the screen. Sid silenced the phone and went back to her show. The phone lit up again a moment later and she silenced it again. It wasn't that she didn't like Chante. It's just that she didn't care. And Chante cared-- a lot. Chante and Sid grew up together playing double-dutch until the street lights sparked to life in front of the very building she lived in right now up. But soon double dutch gave way to menstrual cycles and boys and Sid having already buried her stake of love deep in Aiden did not find Chante's choice of boys interesting. They drifted apart. Sid went off to college and the memories of Chante faded to that place where you keep nostalgia. That was until they almost crashed strollers going into the same daycare.

Chante started chatting her up immediately. Sid offered the usual pleasantries but not much more. She thought that would be it but when they ended up in the lobby of the building at the same time that evening -- Chante's body literally shook with excitement -- she knew that she'd have to pack it in and make nice for real. Chante lived four floors below her and was really a great help when it came to picking up AJ if she is running late from work. She should try harder and be nicer to her. But not today. Nope, today she would eat another plate of spaghetti and try to remember this one contestant's recipe for Baked Alaska.

She'd just shoved a Parmesan encrusted meatball into her mouth when there was a knock at the door.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." She mumbled before quickly muting the TV.

"I heard the TV and I saw Aiden leave with AJ." Chante's smooth voice drifted through the door. Sid lifted her plate from her lap onto the coffee table and walked, hunched shoulders over to the door. She'd been busted. She pulled it open.

"Hi." Chante looked annoyed. Her blond wig expertly affixed to her head. Her deep brown skin popped in contrast. Baby hair laid as usual. Sid maintained her position at the door.

"Hi." It was becoming awkward.

"Well damn, Sid, let me in." Chante pressed. Sid slid to the side. "You're so damn funky. I don't know why I talk to you." She knew why. Chante was the building mascot. Her grandmother had lived there, then her mother after that, and now Chante after her. She knew everything about everybody and Sid would not be an exception. That created some tension. Especially because Sid vowed that she wouldn't make friends here. This was a temporary space for her so there was no need to build bonds.

"This is what you're doing? Sad." Chante sank down on the couch. "I do love this show though."

"It's the finale." Sid returned to the couch and dug into her plate again.

"Ooh, what'd you make? Is there more?" Chante asked. Sid waved her fork back toward the kitchen and Chante shuffled excitedly into it. Sid never had to pay Chante when she picked up Aiden. She just brought her down a plate of food and she was more than happy. Chante plopped down next to Sid a second later with a plate piled high with noodles.

"They're filming a video downstairs. Imma try to be in it." Chante chewed with her eyes wide.

"Exactly how are you going to do that?"

"They love having chicks with fat assess in their videos. It won't be hard." She burst into laughter that caused her heavy breasts to bounce. Sid chuckled at her.

"Good luck."

"You should come."

"I'm not shaking my ass in a video."

"Then watch me do it."

"No dice. I gotta work in the morning."

"They got bottles and stuff!"

Sid perked up. Besides the occasional splurge, a stiff drink wasn't something that was typically in her budget. The thought of the bite of Hennessy in the back of her throat followed by the warmth in her belly and the fuzz in her brain. It was enticing. She looked outside. The sun was just setting. She could get out there, sink into a corner, have a few drinks, and be back and buzzed before midnight. She reminded herself that AJ wasn't here. No reason to stay in.

Chante was still eyeing her hopefully.



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