Chapter 35: Back to Beauxbatons

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"You have no idea how much I've missed you all! Summer has been nothing other than boring."

"That sounds like a personal problem rather than our-"

"MOVE!" The group of us were pushed to the side as Isabeau appeared from the carriage followed by a small line of other girls in the fifth year.

"Ever heard of patience, Jérôme? I hear it's a virtue," Ana snapped back causing our fellow classmate to give Ana a dirty look before strutting off with the rest of the crowd of students.

"What's with her?" Rosalie asked. "I swear she wasn't this bad last year."

"I think it might have to do with running in to me at the Quidditch World Cup a few days ago," I said back knowingly. A sudden flick to the back of my head made me whirl around, thinking Isabeau came back for vengeance, but rather it was Marie, tall and blonde, smirking at me slyly.

"You know, not everything it about you Ava." Smiles mirrored our faces as I hugged her. Mila appeared moments later, much tanner than I last saw her saying how she had so much to tell us and so, we walked ever so slowly to the unicorn-pulled carts while Mila went into detail about her summer sailing with her Uncle and his boat.

"We should go boating together next time people visit Holland," Mila prompted as we stopped by the line of girls waiting for a cart.

"Best not to bring Jacqueline with you," Rosalie spoke up gaining all of our attentions in surprise. "She isn't a fan of the ocean. Or seaweed."

"Okay, you know what-" Jacqueline exclaimed as the lot of us burst into more laughter.

We split into two carts, one with Mariana jumping in last minute with her characteristic cigarette balanced in one hand daintily, her raven hair a mess of curls around her.

"Hello me bellas! Who's excited for fourth year classes?"

"Not me, ever," Jacqueline admitted before swiping the cigarette from her friends' hand.

"I'm just glad third year classes are more interesting than second year," Marie admitted just as the cart tugged forward, starting our ride up to the castle.

"Oh that's right," Marianna said, cocking her head to the side. "I keep forgetting you're younger. Your height confuses me." Marie didn't seem surprised by this news though Mila was having a hard time holding back a snort.

Beauxbatons palace was just as I remembered. The long grand building of marble shone against the blanket mountains that encompassed it. Massive crystal windows shone against the declining sun, spreading sunlight as far as the eye could see. The enchanted gates opened as we approached and the cart stopped right at the circled round-a-bout where other carts were stopped to let students out.

Monsieur Ansel, the housekeeper of the castle waited by the door nodding to the students that passed by while feebly clutching onto his page-boy hat.

We followed the line of students through the walk way, past white paneled rooms and mirrored walls. Everyone was heading to the Great Dining Room, where an early dinner followed by a dessert table was to be provided. As we passed the opened patio to the gardens, a blast of cold air gushed us as the 18th century ghosts of girls in gowns rushed past, playing another game of tag amongst the crowd. The sounds of girls' voices amplified when we reached the Dining room, where white covered tables spread across the white and black marbled floor. Wood nymphs stood at attention with their perfect harmonies of octaves and fifths.

Madam Maxime, adorned in evergreen robes of vibrant fabric and pearls the size of marbles, was present in the back of the room, with some familiar faces of my teachers standing nearby. Among them I caught my all-time favorite charms teacher, Professeur Beaupré, surveying the students with a clever grin on her charmed features. She was wearing teal blue robes today, with another witch hat pointed at a slant to elevate her sharp chin and red curls.

The Years of Blue [2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin