Normally after the tavern closes, I just help clean up and mostly spend the rest of it in my room. Trying to find a way to contact Y/n through the necklace she gave me but sadly I don't know how it works enough to find a way for it to call out for Y/n. I've tried saying her name multiple times, trying to talk to her but nothin'.

Anyway, today I decide to do something different. I made my way up to where Meliodas's body was. I don't know the full reason why. I think that maybe if I talk to him, I'll be able to get some things off my chest. So I just pulled up a chair next to the bed and began speaking.

"Hey Meliodas. Sorry if this seems weird, I just needed to talk to something about stuff but I don't want Elizabeth or Hawk to think I'm weird or not like me anymore. And I can't tell it to you since you're... not really here. But I want to know Elizabeth still has hope that you are alive and that you'll be back soon. Hawk thinks the same thing. And me? I don't know. I want you to come back to life because your the Meliodas. Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins and apparently the son of the demon king. You'd have to very powerful to do that. So it would be amazing if you did come back. Maybe if you came back, maybe she would appear back as well.
I'm sure Elizabeth has said this to you but... Y/n disappeared.
Heh, she always seems to disappear for random things. I guess that's want made her interesting. But it's this time I... I don't know what's happened to her or even if she's alive. When we arrived at the seen, Elizabeth was sitting near your body crying, you were... dead and Y/n... well the only thing that remained was a gift she had gotten of my sister.
I..I... I just don't know what to do. The sins have just scattered around. Ban is I don't know, he just exploded but he is immortal so I don't think he's dead. Escanor, Merlin, Gowther I think they went back to Liones. King and Diane, I don't know where they have decided to go. Me and Elizabeth are just staying with the tavern." Tears started to form in my eyes and run down my face as I continued to speak.

"Please Meliodas... Please actually be alive! You're our captain, the best knight in all of Liones. We need you back so you can fix things! So that we can all stop the demon race! I...I don't want for our world to just end like this. I just want everything to go back to how it was before! But I guess nothing will be like before, will it..? Why am I even bothering speaking to you? This didn't help anybody. I..." I stood and left the room quickly making my way back to my own room. Before anybody could see me.
I entered my room and immediately sat down at my desk. Laying in the centre was the beautiful necklace given to me by Y/n. Surrounding it were a bunch of notes that I had been making in the past month. And books I had brought from library's. They were spell books so I thought they could help me decipher what spell she had used for this.

If you don't remember what the necklace does. I remember when she gave this to me, and I quote.'Just say my name in whatever pitch or tone you want. I'll be sent a signal of where you are, and I'll come running. Trust me!' Yeah, but I've said your name in different tones for hours on end. And you haven't even shown up once. Maybe she has been ignoring it? Or maybe... I..I don't want to think about that. Or I'll probably lose more sleep than I already do.

What... What has happened to me? Before this I was more reckless and more relaxed but I guess after what happened I've changed. I've grown up finally, I've been wondering when that would happen. But I should be trying to get more sleep though. As I don't want to end up getting sick. I'm no use when sick.

I grabbed one of the books of spells from a tall pile and began reading through it. Y/n must of learned this spell somewhere. Though it could actually be from over 3000 years ago. But people do try there best to keep books restored. So maybe it will still exist and be in good shape if she did use an old spell. Maybe, when I get to Liones, I'll get a mage to help me pay Louisa a visit. If Y/n learnt that spell over 3000 years ago, it would of been at Misite as she was a lord there. Well I hope they would have the book.

I keep falling for you | Meliodas X Reader |Where stories live. Discover now