Chapter 14

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So umm hello guys. I found sometime as I have submitted all the assignments of the week beforehand so I finally got some time. Hope you all are doing well. Hope you guys enjoy this. Take care.

Yeon Joo's P.O.V:

"Ok I guess that's enough fresh air for me. Let's get back and have food." I was in a pretty good mood but it all changed. I walked down the stairs and saw Jae-in against the railing and Jungkook on her. What the heck? Both of them saw me and their expressions changed. I got angry and stomped downstairs. 'Hey! Did you find Jungkook? He was look- -' Jin asked. 'Yes and I also found someone else.' 'What?' I left the school building and went to Seung Cheul's house. Since it was still school hours mom wouldn't get worried. Well I have visited his house a few times so his mother knows me. I rung the bell. 'Oh dear. How are you? You look pretty. Oh my!' His mother opened the door. 'Hello Ms.Choi . How are you? Is Seung Cheul awake? How is he?' 'Dear come in first. You may go to his room. I will get something for you to drink.' 'Thank you.' I walked into his room to find a sleeping Seung Cheul. God he looks like a literal baby. I walked to his bed and put my hand on his head. 'God you are burning.' I mumbled. His eyes opened and he was a little shocked to see me. 'Oh hi! What are you doing here?' 'Hi! How are you? I just got bored without you. How have you been? Did the doctor tell you why did suddenly fell sick?' 'Uh! He said that maybe the drink I had was tempered with. He said I will be fine within a few days.' 'Tempered with?'

Author's P.O.V:

The whole scene flashed in front of her eyes. Why Jungkook had come to their table that day. Anger gushed through her veins. 'Yeon Joo you ok? You look like you would kill someone.' Seung Cheul asked. 'What no. I am ok. There is just some unfinished business I left at school. Please forgive me. I need to go. Take care. Take your medicines on time. I will call you later till then stay safe. Love you. Bye.' with that she left. 'Goodbye Ms.Choi. I would have loved to stay but I am in a hurry, take care. Good bye.' At school she saw Jungkook and the whole group. She walked angrily.

Jungkook's P.O.V:

"What do I do now? Every time I try to get close to her something is bound to happen. I have to mess up." I saw her walking towards me. Angry, 'Uh—Yeon Joo I- - -'Suddenly I felt intense pain on my left cheek. She punched me!!! 'You got a lot of nerves making a move like that.' Jimin hyung said coming towards us. 'Stay away. This is to be settled between me and Jungkook so don't butt in needlessly. Don't worry I won't kill him.' She held me collar, and I felt scared. Scared of a girl. 'You freaking human being. First you poison my date, then you asked me to be your date when you already had a date, you f**king playboys and then on top of that you still act innocent. What did I ever to you that you treat me like that? I didn't even do or say anything to your gang. Then why? Why?WHY Jungkook answer me WHY?' Her eyes were filled with heavy tears. I tried to hug her but she pushed me away. 'Stay away from me was all I asked. How hard could it be?' By that time all the hyungs dates were out including Jae-in. A random guy probably someone from our school tried to come and stop her but she punched him so hard that he had a nose bleed. Again she held my collar. 'You know what the doctor say. His drink was tampered with. What do you want from me?'Suddenly I heard a honk. I turned around and saw a handsome guy come out and walk towards her and he held her hand. He was someone I hadn't seen before. At every wrong moment Jae-in has to open her mouth, 'Look who called me a gold-digger. She had someone else as her date, danced with someone else, and now has someone else picking her up. Wow' ' You f** king human he is my damn brother Lee Minho.' She shouted on top of her lungs. Suddenly she had tears flowing down. Her cheeks had gotten red from anger and now tears were flowing down like a waterfall. I walked towards her but she turned around and her brother held her in his embrace till she calmed down. 'Stay away from my sister. That is a f**king warning. You hurt her again and I will make sure you won't be able to walk or even- -' 'That's enough let's go. I don't want waste any more time here.' And with that they walked towards their car. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard a little of their conversation. 'Come did you eat anything. Today I will take my sister out. Mom gave me money when she got to know your date couldn't come. Let's go eat.' 'You have a girlfriend right.' 'Yeah why?' 'Take her out. Give her a call. She will really like it. Getting something from someone you like is loved by everyone. I don't feel good. I want to go home. Drop me home, and tell mom that you are going out with your friends. That should give her enough time to get ready.' She was really sad. I need to make things right. I looked at Jimin hyung and told him to get a hold of Felix or Chan or anyone to get her number. 'You have done enough coming here and threatening Jungkook. Thank you for having my back. Now call her before I call, and take me home I feel light headed.' 'Ok!Ok! You sure you don't want anything.' 'Get me some chocolate.' 'Ok. Let's go. You are the best sister and that is why is don't like any boy coming near you.' 'You know not all boys are like him. My date I wish you could have met him, he is really caring and loving. Now let's go before I faint.' And with that they left. I am sorry Yeon Joo. I got a hold of Hyunjin but he wouldn't give her number either. I went to Jihoon who was still here. 'You messed up again?' 'Wait! How did you know?' 'Just a guess. The way you have been scavenging her number. Here .' 'Thanks but how do you have her number.?' 'The whole group has it. We all are pretty close to her. So any ways bye.' Now all I have to do is call.

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