Chapter 5

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Jungkook's P.O.V:

What the heck? Why was she talking to him like they are in love or something. God I swear that dude sucks. 'Hey Jungkook. Let's make this chicks life a living hell.' Jin hyung said and without thinking I just nodded in agreement.

Lee Yeon Joo's P.O.V:

"Wow they were so nice. Can people this nice even exist." I thought. I walked over to Felix's table and said ; Ya! Did you forget about me?' 'No. I came back but the guys said that there was no one. Although I tried to find you I couldn't. Sorry. Did you have something to eat?' 'Yeah I did don't worry though I am fine.' I walked to my table and sat down. For the rest of the day the boys (BTS) kept on throwing papers, sticks, blurted out names, which annoyed me A LOT. I knew that they were just trying to get a reaction out of me but I had learnt from my past mistakes to conceal. As soon as the bell rang for home time everyone including me and the teacher dashed out, but sadly I wasn't fast enough. Two boys who I think were Jin and Yoongi guarded one door while Hoseok and Namjoon guarded the other. "oh Shit" Clearing my throat I finally spoke, ' Is there a problem?' That evil dude Jimin spoke " Yeah Babe you." I kept on moving back till my back touched the window . I was scared to death when Jungkook spoke, ' Aww don't be scared we are just gonna have some fun. I hope- - -' His sentence was cut off by slamming on the door. Tears were forming and were about to fall down. Who could it be? Who could be my guardian Angel?

Choi Seung Chel's P.O.V:

' Open the door. We know you are in there. Open the damn door.' I was frustrated so were the guys. We got so angry that we almost broke the door open when suddenly the door opened. The boys were gathered at the door so I couldn't tell if someone was behind but I was a skirt. We pushed them away I saw Yeon Joo. Her eyes met mine . She ran into my arms and started crying. 'Are you ok? Are you hurt?' She only said, 'I am ok. Please get me out .' The other guys brought her bag and still in my arms she walked out of the school. 'Thank you. I will get going now. I have already caused you a lot of trouble. Bye' and with that even before any one of us could stop her she left.

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