Gender reveal party

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April 5th(Thursday)
Sasha's POV
                   Today is Charlotte's birthday and my gender reveal party. WrestleMania is this Sunday and I'll announce my pregnancy then. My bump is big. Like big big. And it's still growing. But anyway, I'm in a hotel room with Finn because Bayley is at my house. The rest just got in from Los Angeles late last night because they've been so busy. I find this very cute of them to come back and plan this.

Finn: Ready?
Sasha: Yeah, I'm bored.
Finn: I bet it's all boys in there.
Sasha: Not even possible
Finn: Alright. If you say so... it'll shock you

                  I rolled my eyes and we went to the car. We got to my house by 1:30 and immediately I opened the door there was confetti. A reasonable amount of people were here come to think of it.

Roman: Wow, your bump has gotten so big.
Sasha: I know right. Charlotte happy birthday!!!!! I would have jumped on you but...
Charlotte: Yeah I know.

                     I hugged Charlotte but I wasn't really that tight since my bump is big now.

Becky: We're pulling double duty here. For you and Charlotte
Sasha: When I imagine people throwing a party for Charlotte and I it's usually for beating someone up.
Charlotte: Same
Bayley: Aright Guys. Let's go have some fun and eat cake
Dean: Cake. I love that word

                     I started talking to all my other friends like Nattie who was bugging me about how many children are inside of me. So I decided to announce that later.

Natalya: I'm sure you are having twins
Sasha: I'm not gonna answer that yet
Sonya: Dude just announce-
Kevin: Hey Sasha, sorry Sonya
Sami: How've ya been?
Sasha: I'm good. How are you guys?
Kevin: Yeah we're fin. But... there isn't milk in your fridge
Sonya: You Guys Are still on that?
Natalya: I thought you guys would have grown up or something
Sami: Liking milk isn't childish, ok. How many babies you have in there Sasha?
Kevin: Don't listen to him. They're having this raffle type of thing to see how many babies are inside and he wants to win.
Sasha: What's the prize?
Sami: $1000
Sonya: Oh my
Natalya: Well I'm going to put my ballot in for twins
Sasha: Bye Guys
Kevin: Are you the one paying?
Sasha: That's laughable if anyone thinks I'm giving a penny.
Sami: I knew it.
Kevin: Have you seen Charlotte?
Sasha: She's out back
Kevin: Alright, thanks. See you later
Sasha: Bye

                       The party was really going well. There were some games being played and some nice food. I ate Mac and Cheese mixed with ketchup and a bit of Mustard. One word... Amazing. As I was eating it, Johnny and Tommaso came and sat next to me.

Johnny: That is completely disgusting
Tommaso: This is small. When my wife was pregnant It was way worst.
Sasha: Uhm, Excuse you. Did you guys just come here to insult what I'm eating? Don't insult my food in front of me. It's delicious.
Johnny: Yeah Yeah. Besides that. I'm really happy for you Sasha
Sasha: Do you mean that or are you just saying that?
Johnny: C'mon, I really do mean that. You were like my best friend. I still do care about you. I don't like you like that anymore but I care.
Sasha: Thanks Johnny
Tommaso: And I'm happy for you as well. Unlike him I've not held a grudge against you for over 5 years.
Sasha: Tell me about it 😂
Johnny: Whatever. Enjoy whatever you're eating.
Sasha: Thanks. I will. Can u get me some Doritos from the closet?
Tommaso: Why do you need Doritos?
Sasha: I want to sprinkle it on my food
Johnny: I'm gonna barf

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