News and Raw

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Charlotte's POV
              So actually, before we entered the arena a stupid fan was shouting from the other side of the gate.

Fan: I hate you Becky!!! You won't get drafted!
Finn: We hate you too!
Fan: Finn c'mon. Your one of the nicest, you can't hate me!
Roman: Everyone here hates you.
Fan: Bayley is there. She can't hate

                 Bayley gave him a middle finger and went inside.
Sasha: Heyyy, That's my thing.

               They went inside and saw complete and utter chaos. Everyone was running around scattered while Naomi was crying to Jimmy at the side.

Bayley: I cannot wait to be heel
Seth: This place is a mad house.
Bayley: Charlotte, Roman, your cue.
                     Charlotte and Roman started walking around, yelling and whistling. After 5 minutes you could actually hear a pin drop.

Charlotte: Why all the ruckus?
Braun: Have You Guys been living under a rock???
Finn: Maybe a little. No internet for us.
Braun: This period was definitely the wrong time to do it.
Roman: Ok just tell us what's going on.
Braun: By 6 A.M on the dot this morning. Channel USA tweeted that they want to end the wildcard rule and that the last brand superstars appeared is their brand. And remember that Monday was night of the stars.
Bayley: That's called being smart. Taking all the top guys. Plus, we'll stay together.
Braun: Fox then posted this:

               Then Braun showed us this:

               Then Braun showed us this:

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*Think of it as  May2020 to July 2020*

Braun: After that they said since that's how you guys want it there will be a draft tonight and Raw has first pick.
Seth: They won't separate couples.
Braun: That's the Problem. WWE has no say in this. Just USA and Fox. In fact Stephanie will be using a tablet because it's coming straight from the draft room.
Naomi: Oh and don't forget that AJ Styles is back by next week.

               I could tell that all of our hearts dropped to our stomach.
Sasha: That's-
Vince: You Guys Are late. I've been texting you guys on Instagram. The day I decide to use Social media, you kids won't be on. Have you heard the news?
Dean: Vince I cannot stay away from Becky. Take Roman and Seth I don't care but just not Becky.
Seth: I appreciate it Dean.
Roman: Yeah, we really do. And God Bless you.
Dean: Amen
Charlotte: At least you guys can be drafted as one. We can't.
Seth: Why?
Charlotte: We're a group of friends. Not a faction.
Bayley: This may not be the last time we are on a brand together. It is the last time.
Vince: Don't get ahead of-
Finn: What about me? I'm nothing.
Vince: Let's see how it plays out.
Roman: One way or another, Finn you'll be on the same brand with anyone of us. Not to be arrogant but we all are big stars in this company. We all can't be on the same brand. All of us may even be drafted in the first round.
Vince: But I want you all on one brand.
Sasha: Why?
Vince: Well then the other brand will have people like Randy that will teach the rising stars how to be leaders one day. But with Charlotte and Roman there...
Seth: I understand that.
Roman: Are you saying I'm power hungry? Me?
Charlotte: Oh shut up and accept the fact. We have bigger problems. Bye Vince.

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