Q an A

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Sasha's POV
                I woke up all by myself and saw Pancakes, eggs, Bacon and some curly fries on the table with Coffee. There was a note that said " I have a Q and A very early. Eat up Boss. - Jey". I smiled at the thought and yeah... I'm super hungry so I brushed my teeth and ate. It was only 10 and I got a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Becky.

Becky: Hey Lass
Sasha: Morning. Come in.

                  We sat on my bed and Becky Legit stole my last piece of Bacon.
Sasha: Becks!
Becky: You have to entertain your guest, so, I ate it.
Sasha: You are something else. Charlotte and Bayley?
Becky: Q and A
Sasha: I'm glad I don't have one.
Becky: Oh we do. Just that it's in the evening.
Sasha: Why Can't I just sleep in.
Becky: Better have strength, Seth's in our batch.
Sasha: Gosh. Plus we're on the same brand.
Becky: Sorry about that.
Sasha: Have you ever loved someone so much that you are afraid of letting go?
Becky: Yeah. Dean, Charlotte. Are you talking about Seth?
Sasha: Yeah. I love him. I'll always love him. Love never dies, I think.
Becky: I'm sure there will be someone to fill that void.
Sasha: Hope so. What time is this Q and A?
Becky: 4
Sasha: Wanna go go-karting?
Becky: You haven't even showered.
Sasha: I'll be quick. Give me 10 minutes. I'm not putting on make-up.
Becky: Ok.

Becky's POV
                  As Sasha entered the bathroom I heard a knock on the door so I went over to open it and it was Dolph. I smiled at him.

Becky: Hey
Dolph: Long time no see.
Becky: Not really.
Dolph: Whatever. Where's Sasha?
Becky: Showering. Why?
Dolph: Well she's in the second batch so I was just gonna hang with her until then.
Becky: Come in.

             Dolph came in and sat on the couch
Becky: I'm in second batch too you know.
Dolph: Great. So what are we doing today?
Becky: Go-karting. You want in?
Dolph: You Guys are gonna eat my dust.
Becky: Oh, a challenge. Game on.

                    We continued talking and Sasha came out.
Dolph: Loser number two.
Sasha: What are you talking about and when did you get here?
Dolph: I'm talking about go-karting and-
Sasha: You're deceiving yourself. If you're coming you may take 2nd. Becky isn't that fast.
Becky: Wow, another challenge. Quick let's go.

Sasha's POV
              Once we got to the go-karting place we put on our helmets and entered our karts. Just know that after 6 laps, Dolph won and I was Second. Leaving Becky at...

Becky: This was rigged.
Sasha: Hella rigged.
Dolph: Aww, Salty?
Sasha: Shut up.

                    Then I was approached by 3 fans.
Fan 1: Hi Sasha. Huge fan.
Sasha: Thank you
Fan 2: We Just wanted to tell you that Seth doesn't deserve you.
Fan 3: Yeah. Your Prince Charming will come one day. Seth did what he did but don't dwell on it. He's the one that's losing. You're amazing the way you are.
Fan 1: Here. We made you this.

                    I was already on the verge of tears when they handed me a card full of quotes and messages.

Sasha: I have the best fans in the world. Thank you so much.
Fan 2: No worries. A picture?
Sasha: Sure

                 They gave their phones to a bystander to take a picture of all of us including Dolph and Becky. I also took pictures with my phone and posted them saying thanks and all.
Fan 1: Bye Sasha.
Sasha: Bye.

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