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Tuesday morning
Sasha's POV
                      I woke with my head pounding badly. It was only 7:30 and I decided to shower and brush my teeth. When I was done with my normal routine Becky was down with her stuff already.

Sasha: You going now? It's only 8:35.
Becky: Yeah. We want to go see Dean before I go

                      Becky and I hugged and it just meant a lot to me. We are definitely opposites and we aren't the closest but we are best friends for a reason. It ain't just a name.

Sasha: Send my regards to Dean.
Becky: Definitely
Sasha: And be safe. Get better
Becky: I will.

                          Then Drew, Andrade and Alexa were coming down with their bags.

Sasha: You Guys are going too?
Drew: Yeah. Since the top guys are gone we gotta take over.
Andrade: I may win Intercontinental Championship.
Sasha: That's Great
Alexa: Sasha I just want to say that I'm very sorry for everything. Every single thing I've done to you.
Sasha: Lexi I forgive you. My dad is a master manipulator.
Alexa: Let me get your number
Sasha: Sure

                       Alexa put her number in my phone while I put my own in hers. Charlotte soon came down because she was their chauffeur for today 😂.

Charlotte: Ready?
Andrade: Me will miss you

                           Andrade and Charlotte kissed (trust me, it wasn't short) and it was broken up by Becky's fake coughing.

Roman: Thank you
Andrade: Ah, Roman my man. We will be talking

                           Spanish people getting under other people's skin is probably one of the funniest things ever .
Becky: We have to get going guys.
Charlotte: Yeah and We have stops to make
Sasha: Bye guys

                          I hugged them all and they left. I sat down on the couch as Bayley and Finn came down.

Finn: Morning.
Bayley: They've gone?
Sasha: Yeah, it's just the 4 of us now
Finn: Whose-
Sasha: Roman is in the kitchen cooking. Samoans can cook ya know.
Bayley: They're cute too
Sasha: I didn't even know when that came out of my mouth yesterday.
Finn: It was a cute moment while it lasted.
Sasha: Wait, Bayley aren't you champ?
Bayley: Gave the belt to Alexa. I can't just go back knowing I won't have Seth barging into our locker room.
Roman: Food is ready

                          We all went to the kitchen and took our food to the dining room. He made stacks of waffles for us and it smells so good.

Roman: Can I tell you guys something.
Finn: Go ahead buddy
Roman: I want to get Charlotte back
Sasha: No
Roman: Oh gosh. You don't get it. I love her
Bayley: You didn't remember that last year? She's really really happy with Andrade. If you really love her you won't break them up
Roman: I'm not listening to this because if she really loves him she won't leave him. Simple
Sasha: If Seth was here he'd tell you to move on.

                    Roman and I were staring at each other and my eyes started to get watery just thinking about Seth. Why do I keep doing that. Roman slammed the table before walking away. It had to be said you know.

Bayley: Sasha don't cry. The baby
Sasha: I'm not gonna cry.
Finn: Good because Seth wouldn't want you too.
Sasha: You Guys want to watch Seth's farewell?
Bayley: I do, and we also have to plan Seth's memorial with just us and then plan when we will tell the WWE universe that you're pregnant and also plan when we'll go to your house and build the nursery.
Finn: Wow. She only asked if you wanted to watch the Seth farewell.
Bayley: But we also have to take these things into consideration.
Roman: I'm gonna go hang with Dean for sometime
Bayley: Alright

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