Tattoo Artist

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Friday morning (1 pm)
Sasha's POV
                         Roman, Finn, Charlotte, Bayley and I were in the car heading to pick up Dean. It's been a bit hectic for all of us but at least Roman and Charlotte aren't fighting anymore. They've actually learnt to work together. Isn't that great. Once we reached the hospital we went to see Dean while Finn signed him out. Dean was already sitting with his crutches beside him.

Dean: Hey guys
Roman: You good man?
Dean: Yeah. Getting there at least. Still have crutches ya know
Bayley: Well where do you want to go and eat?
Dean: Wow, this is the first time you guys are asking for my opinion on where to eat.
Charlotte: Actually Sasha is the only one that has been choosing where we eat. I just noticed
Sasha: Because I know everything about you guys. I know where Dean wants to eat. KFC
Dean: Are you in my head?
Sasha: No but I know you love meat.
Dean: Just thinking about meat is making me hungry. Hospital food isn't me. Let's go

                      Roman was moving by the movement of Dean's crutches. He was walking hand in hand with him so he won't trip. It was so cute. We got to the car and Finn drove us through KFC drive-thru. Dean got his own bucket of chicken as usual and everyone ordered except me.

Finn: Nothing for you?
Sasha: I'm not really hungry
Charlotte: Are you sure you're ok? That's not normal
Sasha: Probably just the start you know
Dean: Yeah you can eat a salad at Chars. Meanwhile, Just order another bucket of chicken for me in your place.
Sasha: Is that what you want?
Dean: Yeah
Sasha: Ok then. Order a bucket of chicken for me Finn.
Dean: Am I in heaven today or what?

                        Once we got to Charlotte's house Roman helped Dean to his room. While I made some salad for myself in the kitchen

Bayley: You Alright?
Sasha: I don't think I'll ever be alright. Not with Seth gone and not with this child having a 50% possibility that it could be his and not while people are bringing him up here and there. I went online for the first time today just to check things out... almost anywhere Seth's name is my name is. Imagine when I actually post something about it.
Bayley: Well you were his girlfriend and best friend so it seems fitting. Sorry dude. I know it's hard.
Sasha: Yeah... Where's Char?
Bayley: She's trying to play FIFA against Finn and is failing miserably 😆
Sasha: Expected.
Bayley: Make some for me

                      I was already putting ranch on my salad and I put it down to examine Bayley.

Sasha: Are you ok?
Bayley: Yeah why?
Sasha: Because you've been here while I was making the salad. I'm not making you anything
Bayley: Oh, alright 😕

                        Bayley was doing her pouty face and I was trying not to fall for it but I did.

Sasha: Fine. Just take mine and I'll make a new one for me.
Bayley: Nah, I'll just be here waiting for you.
Sasha: Well that's better.

                          I made Bayley her salad and then gave it to her before we went to sit in the living room with Finn and Charlotte.

Bayley: What was the score?
Charlotte: Don't
Finn: 11-1
                       All of us were in a fit of laughter except Charlotte
Charlotte: It doesn't make any sense. What type of sport is this?
Bayley: It's actually a very nice sport
Sasha: Does Becky's Rehab Center allow calls?
Charlotte: Well she can call her parents once a week and her friends once a week.
Bayley: So let's call. Your TV is Smart right?
Charlotte: Call Roman and Dean down
Bayley: Dean and Roman! Come down!
Dean: Why?!!
Bayley: Becky!

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