Survivor Series

539 16 4

Charlotte's POV
                  Wow. Drew is Rico. Interesting
Charlotte: That means you know a lot about Becky's past.
Drew: I do. And I know that she really cares about you.
Charlotte: I think I can see the Rico in you a bit more.
Drew: Yeah. I didn't look like a guy that could kill in one minute back then.
Charlotte: At all. So when are you planning on telling Becky?
Drew: One day. Not now though.
Charlotte: You better tell her soon.
Drew: I will. I'll see you later.
Charlotte: Yeah totally.

Sasha's POV
                 So I'm checking my messages and it seems we're having a FF (Friends Forever) hang out at Charlotte's house on a Tuesday in two weeks.
Sasha: Bayley did you get that hangout message?
Bayley: Is it FF?
Sasha: Which other hangout meeting do you have?
Bayley: You'd be surprised
Sasha: Whatever, but you've seen it
Bayley: Sasha, they sent that three days ago.
Sasha: Your joking right.
Bayley: Nope.
Sasha: Whatever, it's not like you answer all your messages in a day.
Bayley: Actually-
Sasha: Shhh

Then Charlotte came in laughing
Charlotte: Corbin knows that we TPed his room
Bayley: Why are you laughing? He's gonna try and hurt us. You think he cares that we're girls?
Sasha: He's not gonna hurt any of us. Especially not you.
Bayley: Easy to say
Sasha: Whatever. How's Becky?
Charlotte: I really think she needs Rehab
Bayley: Me too. It's what's best
Charlotte: We'll talk to her about-

Then Becky came in crying and slammed the door.
Charlotte: Bbg what happened?
Becky: *sniffles* Dean and I... Broke up
Sasha: Your joking
Charlotte: Why?
Becky: He wants me to go to therapy and Rehab. I told him I didn't want to and we started arguing. Then he he said... and I quote " Then we're fucking done because I can't see you like this"
Bayley: Wow. But he had your best interest at heart
Becky: Stop saying that.
Charlotte: Honestly, Dean is meant to understand. Dean loves her. He's meant to be there for the fall.
Becky: And to even think I cared about him.
Sasha: Becks he loves you. He's just fed up
Becky: It's my choice
Sasha: For now
Becky: What do you mean?
Sasha: I will Legit force you to go to Rehab
Becky: I don't need this right now I'm going to an empty locker room

Becky picked up her bag and stormed out.

Sasha: We're gonna force her right
Charlotte: Definitely.
Bayley: Orrrrrr... we can convince her
Sasha: You try that. Then when you fail. You can come tell me
Bayley: I hate you
Sasha: I love you too
Charlotte: I'm gonna go stay with Becky.
Sasha: That's best

                  Charlotte picked up her gear bag and left the room.

Sasha: You and Finn Alright?
Bayley: Yeah. He's been amazing. I'm so happy with him
Sasha: I'm happy that you're finnally happy
Bayley: Can you stop that
Sasha: But I like it
Bayley: What about Seth and Jey?
Sasha: *Sigh* Seth and I are going on a mini vacation next week Wednesday in Orlando since Smackdown is in Miami
Bayley: Can you please break up with Jey?
Sasha: Bayley, I can't. I don't know why but I just can't.
Bayley: And you don't want to break up with Seth?
Sasha: Hell no
Bayley: If you don't break up with Jey, Seth may leave you. In fact I think he will
Sasha: Wow, Bayley the prophetess
Bayley: I'm serious
Sasha: I am too
Bayley: Alrighty

After Survivor Series
After the whole show I was going to congratulate the NXT girls because they put on a show but I was dragged into an empty locker room by someone. Why do people do this to me? I then found out that it was Johnny.

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