"Invite me in." Caroline sighed.

"Come in." She said unenthusiastically. Dahlia grinned and skipped inside. 

"I need a dress. I'm going to meet my knight in shining armour, Niklaus." She looked up while mentally admiring Niklaus. Caroline was literally at a loss for words. She had no idea why she was acting so weird.

"Right....Uh well I may have one. Come." She stepped on the creaky stairs.

"My honeybun. My light in a dark tunnel. My-" 

"I get it." The blonde said as the two walked into her room with glass under the window. She gasped as Dahlia went into her closet in search of something sexy. "My window! What happened?!"

"That's terrible! Who would do such a thing?" Dahlia said uninterestedly from the closet. Caroline groaned as she picked up the shards of glass from the floor. The raven-haired girl squealed which made Caroline instantly run over.

"What?!" She asked. Dahlia turned to reveal a short, tight, black dress with thin straps. 

"It's perfect! I'm gonna take this. Niklaus will-" 

"What are you doing? Why are you going back to him when he lied and manipulated you? Are you really that...stupid?!" The blonde snapped on her. Dahlia stood there in confusion before realizing what she was talking about. 

"Oh it's fine, really. No problem at all. Me and him are soulmates, CareBear. I've known him since 1856. That's my bae." She laughed at the term. "Isn't bae such a weird word? It's great though." She turned to admire herself in the mirror as Caroline stood there dumbfounded to what she just heard.

"What are you?" She said.

"Well before a vampire, I was nothing really. I was immortal because this fake bitch Qetsiyah gave me an immortal spell because I said Amara was really pretty. And she knew I didn't want to be immortal, but jokes on her, because I love it now. It's amazing. She's mad Amara stole Silas. Like it's my fault Qetsiyah is fugly." The blonde girl stared at her in shock.

"You-You knew Qetsiyah?" Dahlia nodded. 

"How do you know her?" She asked. 

"She was back for a while, so was Silas." Dahlia rolled her eyes.

"What an attention whore, am I right? Anyway, I'm taking your heels too. I'll return them. Maybe. Toodles." She walked out wearing Caroline's dress and heels, and sped over to the Mikaelson house. As she stepped in front of the door, she realized this would be the first time she officially met them. Well, she knew what they looked like and they knew her, but still. A rush of excitement ran through her body. She bit her lip and knocked the big door. There was no reply, so she knocked again. Again, nothing.

She looked into the window but couldn't make anything out thanks to how dark the windows were. With a sigh, she kicked the door down. She walked in and saw no one home. The girl sped up and in and out of all the rooms. There was no one there. Dahlia pulled her phone out and called Elijah. She didn't want to call Niklaus; she wanted it to be a surprise that she was back.

The phone rang as she waited impatiently for the Original to pick up. Finally the other line picked up and she heard his deep voice.

"Hello, Dahlia. To what do I owe the pleasure?" His voice didn't have an accent like Niklaus' did. 

"Elijah, hi. I was just wondering...Where are you guys? I stopped by the house and no one is here." Dahlia heard him sigh.

"Dahlia. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner." The girl grew nervous at his words.

"What? Tell me what?" She asked.

"We're all in New Orleans." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What? Why?" There was silence before he spoke.

"I'm afraid Niklaus has gotten a girl pregnant." Dahlia felt like the words slapped her across the face. She took a step back and felt dizzy.

"What?" She said hoarsely. 

"I'm sorry." 

"No. That can't be right. Vampires can't have kids."

"We don't know what happened but-"

"He said that we couldn't have kids...or a family." She wondered if he had lied to her. She couldn't breathe properly and was shaking in anger and hurt. Elijah didn't say anything. "Who?" She whispered.

"What was that?"

"Who's the girl?" She closed her eyes and bit her lip.

"Hayley Marshall." Dahlia imagined all the inhumane things she'd do to her. She took a deep breath before she spoke.

"I'm coming down there." 

"No Dahlia. I don't think that's a very good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because Niklaus doesn't want to see you."

author's note

jsjjsjsj i'm so invested in this story dude

anyway hope u enjoyedddd

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