ఇ t. kuroo

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————V A L E N T I N E ' S  D A Ytetsurō kuroo

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V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y
tetsurō kuroo

w a r n i n g s : none
c a t e g o r y : fluff

It was no secret; the boy's volleyball club had the most attractive captain of any sports club at school. Not a day went by that you didn't hear a group of girls giggling silly remarks about him or sharing their fantasies with a blush so heavy across their cheeks. Thus Valentine's Day at Nekoma wasn't just a holiday, it was an annual war-zone.

         That morning, you arrived earlier than normal to beat the crowds with something that threatened to burn a hole right through your bag as you entered the gates. Never had you taken part in a day like today, but that made you all the more antsy as if you were armed with a single grenade in a sea of veteran snipers. You were terrified, but excited and overthinking just how you'd manage to find the perfect moment to catch him alone. Kuroo, Tesuro; he was someone you could speak to casually, but not someone to be enraptured by your charm, you thought.

         A lost cause, as a stranger would describe your situation from the outside, but there were occasions you and Kuroo had crossed paths spontaneously. Situations that led to small conversation, then all of a sudden time would be thrown out the window and forgotten about; the two of you were immersed in topics that ranged from biology to ideal vacation spots, and more. It was easy to talk to Kuroo, and even easier to fall for him. That was the person you were fascinated by, not the impassioned sports captain, but the secretly goofy nerd who just wanted to escape to the ocean someday and relax for once.

         Patiently waiting behind the shoe cubbies, arriving early didn't seem to give you an advantage; an entire swarm of girls were already crowding the scene. Like panthers, they attacked once the main target came into view.

         "Kuroo, I made these for you!"

         "For Valentine's Day Kuroo, please go out with me!"

         "Promise me you necktie at graduation Kuroo!"

         Lecherous with voices so shrill the girls screeched like nails being dragged along a chalkboard. It was a wonder just how Kuroo could keep a polite smile as he pushed his way through the crowd, expertly avoiding all their gifts. Beside him, absolutely having none of the excitement, Kenma appeared in physical pain as Kuroo casually said, "It's that day of the year again hmm?"

         You couldn't handle much more and soon the crowd would suffocate you, you went back to your homeroom, gift in hand only to be tucked stealthily back into your bag where it would remain for an unknown amount of time. Perhaps another moment would present itself.

         Today was the only day of the year when being in different homerooms felt like a blessing; there were no bubbling girls loitering about to dampen your mood and a notable lack of volleyball captains with copious amounts of chocolate.

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