❄︎ l. haiba

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----S N O W B A L L  F I G H Tlev haiba

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lev haiba

w a r n i n g s : none
c a t e g o r y : fluff

As predicted by the weather forecast, this winter had brought snow and not just a few passing flurries here and there; the ground had been covered with enough that if you weren't careful, you'd sink further than intended.

Inside your home, nestled deep beneath your covers and unbothered by the world around you, it was a moment of pure relaxation. The warmth surrounded you like a friendly, comforting hug as it threatened to lull you into a deep sleep. Just on the brink of falling, a soft thud tapped against your window.

The sound drew you from your drowsy state as you looked in that direction, but noticed nothing. It was merely just a passing sound, maybe a twig that fell from a tree, you assumed. Dismissing the noise, you tried your best to return to that peaceful state once again. Your eyes fluttered shut only to hear the soft pat against the glass once more. This time, it was louder and it came with a faintly muffled voice you could barely make out. The voice had called your name.

With the very little energy you had, you pulled the covers away from your body but recoiled instantly as the rush of cool air hit you. The amount of regret you had to leave such a safe and warm place made you quite annoyed. You were already up, you might as well see to the completion of the action and so to your window you trudged and opened it. The unwelcome winter's wind whistled past your face, but not just the breeze. At that same moment you just so happen to narrowly dodge an object that whizzed past you furiously.

Frightened, you shift your gaze down to the ground from your high vantage point of the second floor of your house. The offender of the attack from earlier stood outside and was waving his arms happily to get your attention. None other than your best friend Lev. He was beaming proudly once he saw you at your window, "Yo!" he yelled to you, "for a second I thought you weren't home!"

Before you answered him, you glanced behind to see just what he had thrown into your room but a sinking feeling in your gut told you that you already knew. Your eyes were just a confirmation because on the floor, like you guessed, was a shattered ball of snow with its melting bits starting to puddle on your wood floor.

"Lev!" You whipped back around to shout. You backed away from the windowsill to frantically collect the scattered bits and pieces of ice on your floor. Having scooped most of it into your hands, you rushed back to toss it out the window. "Why would you throw a snowball in my room?! What are you doing here?" You yelled, disappointed in his lack of judgement.

He shrugged, nonchalant and carefree, "I didn't expect you to open your window when I threw the last one! Did you like it? Should I throw another one?!"

"No!" You fired back. It was so sudden without hesitation that it even caused Lev to need a moment to process your reaction.

Though, he was quick to laugh, bending down as he began to collect snow in his hands once again, "There's plenty of snow down here and not enough in your room!"

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