ఇ k. sugawara

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----V A L E N T I N E ' S  D A Ykōshi sugawara

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V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y
kōshi sugawara

w a r n i n g s : none
c a t e g o r y : fluff

"Are you serious?! You're planning to give chocolate to a senpai?"

If heads could turn faster without popping off their spinal chords, the students in your class would spare no effort to do so. You cherished your good friend; she was a riot- so much so she caused a commotion wherever she went. Like during homeroom the day before Valentine's Day after inquiring about your plans for tomorrow. You've never wanted the ability to vanish upon command but that day really tested you. You frantically put a finger to your lips to quiet her from announcing anything else about your personal life. Her lips were parted and the shock hadn't worn off just yet.

You groaned, "You're so loud! Shh- I don't want the whole school to know!" gritting through your teeth as you pleaded not just with your tone, but your eyes as well. She nodded sympathetically and took a seat in front of you, spinning the chair around to sit in it backwards.

She leaned her elbows over to your desk and rested her chin in her palms, looking at you straightforwardly, "I'm sorry. I was just shocked, that's all. But Sugawara Senpai? I didn't realize the two of you were close."

At her suggestion, a warmth spread through your body and it felt like steam was escaping through the collar of your uniform. You just knew your cheeks had to be a blushing mess. It wasn't something you boasted proudly considering why the two of you knew of each other; Sugawara was your tutor, specifically for Japanese Literature. It had been after your first exams were returned to you fully covered in red ink and a number underlined at the top of each page that you were required to attend mandatory tutoring hours in the library.

Sugawara was patient, always helped you to break down the passages into manageable sections and gave you insightful tricks to remember how to read certain archaic kanji. It was a combination of his diligence in wanting to see you succeed and your interest in wanting to see him at every possible moment that got your grades out of the gutters.

You hid your growing smile behind your hand as you turned your head to the side, "Sugawara Senpai helped me pass my tests lately so I wanted to thank him. Plus..." you trailed off shyly, fidgeting with your uniform sleeve, "he's a bit cute."

Your friend squealed- again, incredibly loud. Another warning look you shot her way; she understood and calmed down but only in volume. She was a jumpity riot in her seat, "That's adorable! You have a crush on him! Thank goodness you have the excuse of Valentine's Day so you can tell him soon. He'll be graduating in a month and a half."

To your surprise, she was very encouraging and supportive about your crush on a guy you felt was astronomically out of your league and quite possibly didn't see you in that way being two years his junior. You weren't confident, "You don't think he'll reject me because I'm a first year student and he'll be going off to University where there's thousands of beautiful, mature women?"

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