♪ k. futakuchi; your shirt ✩

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♫----Y O U R  S H I R TChelsea Cutler

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Chelsea Cutler

w a r n i n g s : underage drinking
c a t e g o r y : fluffy lust

The light that poured through your hastily drawn curtains rudely drew you from one of the deepest sleeps you've had in a while. Bit by bit, the world around you slowly came into fabrication and the first feeling that returned- pain, specifically in every location imaginable throughout your body. Even the smallest of movements produced a loud crack as you slowly rolled from your side to your back. Squinting up at the ceiling, it took everything you had to push yourself up onto your elbows, but that was a mistake. The moment you sat up, your head began to throb and a sharp, splitting ache pierced your skull.

That alone was enough to make you lie down once again. All you could do was clutch your skull desperately and try to make out the time from the clock on your nightstand- 12:57 p.m. Already, the morning had passed without so much as a "hello"; it was a blessing that today was a Sunday.

In your debilitated state, you tried as hard as you could to remember even the faintest of details from the night before; it was all an incoherent blur. The less you could recall, the more nervous you became and immediately, you clumsily took a hand off your head only to whack the bed space around you in desperation for the one thing that could possibly lead you to the answers you've been searching for: your phone. It took several, fumbling attempts to locate it but as soon as your fingertips brushed a cold, metal exterior, you've never grasped something so quickly before in your life. It earned you a new pain behind your left eye that caused you to groan.

With one eye open and a single failed passcode attempt later, you successfully unlock your phone only to find several notifications: text messages, phone calls, voicemails, social media- it was endless. One name stood out amongst the rest, your best friend's.

You could scroll down the sea of spam messages he had sent you, but the highlights included:

Where'd you go?! This isn't funny!

I seriously can't find you here and it's starting to get chaotic. Text me back as soon as you get this.

The party's starting to die down and I still can't find you. Did you ditch me? It's getting late and I have to go home soon. It's already past my curfew, my mom's pissed.

I just got home. I really hope you're safe. On the way out, someone told me they saw you leave earlier. Call me back in the morning, I'm worried about you.

On the boy's volleyball team, libero and your best friend Sakunami. Usually he could be a bit too serious, so this frantic style of panicked texting didn't bother you. However in regards to last night, it was all the more worrisome. As overwhelming as it was, the mention of the word "party" did in fact help you to recall a few details surrounding the evening. It had in fact been Sakunami himself to invite you to join him at a party the Boy's Volleyball Club would be throwing at Moniwa's house to celebrate their victory over Karasuno during the preseason.

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