❄︎ k. kozume

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----A  C O Z Y  C H R I S T M A S  W I S Hkenma kozume

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kenma kozume

w a r n i n g s : none
c a t e g o r y : fluff

You were one of those people that as soon as Thanksgiving passed, you promptly began putting up Christmas decorations and fully indulged in all things festive. Nothing could dull your sparkle during this time of year. With a loud voice, you sang to your heart's content every Christmas song you knew or heard in passing. Your joyous mood however, was not contagious. At least not contagious to your boyfriend Kenma.

When you skipped merrily outside and made every excuse to roam the streets and admire the decorations, Kenma would make every excuse to stay indoors, snuggled in the warmth of the heater. No smile big enough or desperate pleas were enough would make him budge from his apartment. As stubborn as he was, you instead made the effort to visit him as much as possible to decorate his apartment for him since it lacked all festive joy.

"Is all this really necessary? You're just going to take it down at the end of the month," Kenma groaned, watching as you stood precariously on a chair to hang a string of lights around the border of his bedroom. You looked over your shoulder but gave him a shrug only to return to your decorating. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, "You are going to take this down once the month is over... right?" he asked, tone hinting for a sign of reassurance from you that all this will disappear with a definite deadline.

You turned around to pout, "But look at how pretty this is! It's really brightening your room!"

His head drooped, shaking it side to side, "That's because you're hanging lights. Of course it's brighter in here you idiot."

"That's not what I meant!"

"The end of the month," Kenma interrupted, "All of this will be gone."

You sighed, attaching the last light, "I don't get why you're so against this. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. You don't want to do anything Christmassy with me." You stepped off the chair and looked at him sadly.

He shrugged, "It's too cold."

"But we can wear layers and admire the decorations all over town, then watch as the snow falls from the sky and glitters on its way down..." your voice trailed off at the end seeing that his expression didn't mirror your growing excitement. He just sat bundled deeply beneath the blanket on his bed.

Kenma looked around the room, "You've been saying all of that since the beginning of November. Is that your biggest Christmas wish?"

"Definitely not." you said almost too quickly.

Your rapid response took him by surprise. He nodded slowly, mulling it over in his mind before asking, "So what's your biggest wish then?"

You paced around his room with a hand to your chin, giving this your utmost importance, "I think my biggest wish is for us to do at least one festive activity together. Like wearing ugly sweaters while watching a holiday movie, or walking at night to city hall to take pictures with the big tree they have! Maybe we could bake cookies-

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