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After done breakfast, I prepared myself to going dated with Wooyoung. Well, it's quite funny for me thinking this is the dated. Wooyoung obviously know that the fact I and him cannot being together but I need to told him everything. I want to make it clear with him that's why I asking him for a dated.

I wearing my white skinny rips jeans and a softest pink blouse with full of little flower on it. It's too feminine today as I brushing my hair and let them free not thinking to tied that. I put a crystal clips on my right hair to make myself look better.

I just wearing a basic make up because I rarely put something on my face before and I lacked on make up skills. I spray my fragrance and lastly I grab my Gucci sneakers before going down.

I made my feet downstairs and I saw Wooyoung sat at the couch waiting for me with his white shirt, blue black denim jacket and a black ripped jeans. His hair a little bit messy but believe me he fucking gorgeous.

"Hey, sorry I'm lated. Shall we go now?"

He jumped a little because he was to focused on his phone. He staring me up and down while smirk on me. I just furrowed my brows as I looking down my body. I don't think what I'm wearing now it's too weird.

"What is it? Am I weird on this?" I asking him.

"No, no you look so damn pretty and hot as hell. God Sweetie, why you never wearing like this before?" He praising me.

"Well, I'm to expensive to showing off myself in public. You're lucky because I wearing this just for you." I chuckling around him.

"Oh okay I'll take back my word. You're so full with yourself." He smiling at me while walking away from me.

I just laughing at him. I rose my feet to the door and wearing my sneakers going to his car. He open the car door for me such a gentlemen. I thanks to him and I am glad because he didn't make me uncomfortable or make himself uncomfortable too. He just doing like nothing happened last night.


After about an hour driving we reached at the most popular shopping mall centre that we need to visit if we arrived at Seoul. I never been here before, so this is my first time seeing this luxurious big mall.

Starfield COEX Mall

"Woo, this place look so expensive and I don't think I can—." My eyes glistening around the place and wanted to speak more but he cut me off.

"It's okay sweetie, treat on me. I'm a man why I need you to pay all things today? It will drop my dignity as a man." He said and raised his brows to me.

"But Wooyoung I'm the one who asked you a dated so...." I guilty said to him.

"No, please. Since this is a date I want to treat you like that one. Just give me a chance to be your gentlemen for today. Come on we have a lot thing to do." He smiling widely to me and hopping out from his car.

I just nodded him and I unbuckled my seatbelt before I tried to open my door Wooyoung already open that for me and pulling out his hand to help me since his car was so big. It's Range Rover SUV. I smiling to him and take his hand.

He already booked a pair of tickets for movie after lunch. But we have a lot of time so he asked me to having a lunch first. He brought me to an expensive restaurant. It's Italian cuisine.

Sky Lounge.

We can see all the view outside and the place was really high as high I felt like I can touched the cloud if it not covering with the mirrors. I just mesmerizing the view untill I heard a camera click behind me. I turning my head and looking at Wooyoung.

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