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Hong Joong POV

I just come out from kitchen after get tired to do my task. I saw Yunho passing by the kitchen and dressing nicely. I furrowed my brows which was confused. Why he need to dress up like that? Is that some event out there which was I don't know? I shaked my head and follow him behind but not too closed.

I saw Yunho just standing still in front of the stairs but his eyes looking at the upstairs. He looked serious or more like mad? Why? The way he clenching his jaw and making his fist into ball it's obvious for me that he not in the good mood.

I stepping my feet toward him but he already make a step away and going outside. I sighed under my breath. I going to the stairs and looking what was the thing that Yunho saw it earlier. As soon as my eyes hit that, I'm shocked. I almost dropped my jaws. I slammed my hand to my mouth for keep shut.

San and Seohyun?

I saw they standing with each other and it's too closed for someone who just talking something. The way San wrapping his hand around Seohyun I'm pretty sure there was something between them. I still took my eyes for looking them untill suddenly I saw San kiss Seohyun? Okay, I seriously got more shocked with this situation.

I poked my tongue inside my cheek and making my stepped back to the kitchen. I can't make myself got caught by them. And plus I know is not just San having this with Seohyun. I bet someone else will felt the same ways. I pretty sure about this. There was something wrong with all the boys right now.

I suddenly remembered the rules that Seoghwa told us before. What if Seonghwa knows about this? Is he will be mad? I sighed again.


"Hey hwa! Are you busy right now? Because I have something to tell you about." I approach Seonghwa who was sitting down and writing something on a plain paper. Maybe make list for house thing.

"Oh joong, I'm not that busy. Why? Anything happened?" He asked me and took his eyes on me.

"Okay, I just straight to my point. But please don't get pissed or something." I said carefully.

Well, you know how scary Seonghwa when he get mad even I also looked scary but I can't compared to him.

"You're not talking yet, why I need to getting mad at you. Just please what is it?" He asked me and this time he face looked serious and the voice tone was strict and too cold.

"Oh, uh- okay like this. Did you still remember the rules you making up for the boys?" I asked him. He paused his action in a second and after that he nodded.

"Can you forget that, I mean just throw the fucking rules away. Can you?" I said. My heart beating so fast I can feel the blood on my veins running faster and bitting my lips.

"What do you mean Joong? I don't understand, explain to me more." He crossing his arm on his chest while looking at me deep.

"Uh- em well if- I mean we can't put the blamed on someone right? If they having the feeling toward each other." I said stutter.

"Wait, what actual fuck you want to told me? Who have the kind of feeling? Who the one you were talking about?" He narrowed his eyes to me and make his body laid back to the couch.

"Fine, it- the boys. We can't pissed them off if they accidentally having a crush with your sister. I mean they're all big man now, we can't control the things, the feelings, you know better." I said and letting out my breath. My heavy breath.

God, you gotta kidding me, this man was really make me freaking nervous and want me to choose death between to talk with him.

"Who? Who was the kid who having that shit crush on my girl?" He asked me again and poking his tongue on his inner cheek.

"You will know, one day. I bet you will know it soon but not too soon. It's obvious if you observed them." I said while my eyes glistening to everywhere.

He stroking his hair roughly and he clean up his things before he want to going somewhere and leave me. But I grabbed his hand and make he stopped to walk away.

"Can you accompanied me? I'm going somewhere and too bored if I'm doing that alone." I asked him and he turning down to looked at me.

"Where?" He asked with heavy eyelash.

"Added some piercing? Just want to make a collection." I answered him.

"You're already got many, Joong. Where you want to put the new one huh?" He said and pulling my ears soft.

"I still having the space. Here." I pointing at my right ears. Yes I got many piercing but I can't handle for not adding more. It's too pretty.

"Or I will get some tattoo? I quite nice duh." I said again suddenly the idea popping out from my tought.

"Fine, just get the piercing. Not tattoo. Not this time. Not yet. I'll go with you." He said and hit my shoulder not to hard. I just laughing at his action.

Am I his girlfriend?

Why he always treated me and the boys like we are the girl. He just soft guy but please I warned you for not pissed him off or you will choked the air for looking his mad face.

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