CHAPTER 22 The Till closes

Start from the beginning

"Planning continues for the wedding, Once you feel better, we jump right into it."

We were in the suite I was occupying in the Presidential villa.
The President was speaking to us, Hauwa and Zahra had come to see me as well.
"What about Officer Iyke? Did anyone see him today? I looked at Ali.

"Yes and its good news, he's out of the ICU. Not totally out of the woods but things are better than they were yesterday."

Praise Allah. I was so worried."

He's a loyal one. I owed him my life. I knew Ali would do anything for him as well.

"So many people were worried about you too. You've gotten so many messages. I spoke to your assistant. Don't worry, we're holding the fort over at the JAMA Insurance." Hauwa smiled at me.

"We're actually behind on our own arrangement." The President told me,
"According to our schedule, you should have kickstarted some new projects. You and Ali should be cutting ribbons for the first homeless shelter. Giving interviews, writing a book together."

I shook my head, just realizing that he was just using me to control Ali. To make him do things that he, the President would want for his son. He knew that Ali would not follow script as easily. I looked at Ali but he looked away from me. I knew he didn't want to do anything just because his father wanted him to but he didn't want to reject me as well.

"I want out."
Ali was holding my hand as we sat. Nobody else had heard me as I had whispered.
He turned surprised.
"You don't want this?"


He squeezed my hand and called out to his father, getting his attention.

"I want out." I said, louder and stronger this time.
"Of everything, I don't want this."

"What do you mean? We've gone this far. You're on a roll."

"Mr President, this is my decision. "

"I know we had an agreement" I closed my eyes to help the wave of dizziness.

"I'll send my lawyer to you. But I'm done."
The President looked like he was wondering if he could talk me out of this.

Hauwa and Zahra were looking between Ali and I, mouths hanging open.

Ali stood unmoved. His features schooled, eyes set on the wall opposite.
My father walked to me.

"You know I will always support you like my own child. Aren't you being too hasty? Have both of you discussed this?"

"If Ali wants to continue in politics, I'll always stand by him. But I don't want this whole ruse still running. The plans, the yearly timetable and goals. The fact that the whole health insurance scheme was just that, a scheme. It's too much."

"But my son didn't say he doesn't want this. You can't say he's not aware this time around. Tell her you don't mind, Ali."

" I don't like that you and my sister decided to go around me to cook up something like this. And I don't appreciate you trying to put Jamilah and I against each other for your own goal. You're going need to stop playing God."

"I don't play God."

"Yes, Baba. Yes, you do. But we love you still."

"Since we're on the topic, I got a marriage license for us. We'll be going to your friend, Judge Okonkwo to make our vows instead of the big wedding."

The President face was aghast.
"You can't do this to me.
How can my children be this cruel?"

"Exactly, Baba. We can't do this to you? This huge wedding is actually for you."

"No, no. Jamilah tell him, tell my son you want this wedding. It's what we've been dreaming of."

My future father in law was just a big cuddlybear. I smiled, happy and content.

"How about this? You can have your 2 days event but I'll need to be married to my love in the courts first. Then we can stand and smile as much as you want for the big wedding."
"Baby", I turned to my soon to be husband, "do you think that's okay?"


"So when are you going to be hitched?" Hauwa asked.

"This evening. We have an appointment with the judge in 2 hours. That'll give all of you time to pack up."

"Pack up?"

"Yes, we're celebrating our union with a weekend in Mykonos."
Ali held and kissed my hand.
"We all leave early tomorrow. Don't worry, its been all planned and we've cleared your schedules up. We worked with your assistants, colleagues."

"Wow, just everyone here?" Zahra asked.

"Everybody here, my father, my closest cousin Aisha and her husband, my aunty Munera, the First lady, Hadiza and Halima, Sadia and her family. There's an extra slot for you if you want it, Hauwa."

"So all we need to pack up?"
And then it's on to Mykonos, Greece?"
Zahra was grinning widely.

"You guys are now my favourite couple."

"They're everyone's favourite couple."

I smiled at my husband (soon to be), because we were mine too.


"Are you sure you don't want to continue with your health scheme?"

We were on our way to the court.
"The oppurtunities to help Jamilah, its beyond what we can imagine."

"No, I'm not sure. I'm not really sure of anything right now."

I held his hands in mine

"You, Ali, you're the only thing I'm sure of. And that's what I'm holding on to."

"You'll be with me no matter what I decide? About the politics?"

"Whatever it is."

Ali kissed me as we entered the court building to pledge ourselves completely to each other.


Follow me to catch my next story.
A sequel to this one
I love you

NIGERIAN SWEETHEARTS; An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now