Chaper 10 and the award goes to...

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I was dancing to my blasting speakers every night.
The JaMA scheme was practically soaring and like all good things, garnering its own attention.
I had been interviewed by all the locally recognized Nigerian channels and three international channels. The most impressive being CNN Africa, on the show 'African Voices'. And this was just the 8th month after inception.
The most trying question I was asked was about my religion. I knew I had to be diplomatic as siding any religion would sideline the other and so when the over enthusiastic reporter faced me ending with the phrase;
"Nigerians want to know."
I looked squarely at the camera and said,
" First, JaMA health insurance does not belong to any religious group. Although my father is a Muslim , I was raised in the south where I was fully exposed to Christianity. I would say I have a fair understanding of both major groups."

I turned to face the lady,
"In this country where we have enough religious battles, isn't it wonderful that I appreciate and accept the beliefs of others?"

I had directed a question to her.
She didn't miss a beat.
"Of course. Your multicultural background has turned out to be beneficial to the whole country. Christians and Muslims both are grateful."

That particular evening I received a surprise visit from the president himself, he was overjoyed with my less than direct answer. He was laughing so loudly I had to smile.
He admitted to watching the interview on live TV and being scared of any answer I would have supplied. He then said he was proud of himself for making such a wise choice. The comment although self centred, warmed my heart.
I was skeptical though about his visit. He couldn't just barge into my house with his security team. What if anyone saw him?
He remained adamant that as long as it wasn't Ali, it was fine. And even if it was Ali, I was his board member and he could do what he liked. He claimed that Ali had no idea what we discussed and knew it was confidential matters.

I couldn't argue with the commander in chief of the armed forces.

He also commended me, mentioning that whatever I was doing to Ali was working, as his son had discussed lengthily with him about pursuing a meaningful relationship with his board member, being myself. He had given the relationship his blessing.
The whole statement made me sound like a witch "doing something" to his son. He didn't seem to mind so I quickly tried to forget it.

After my nightly crazy moves in front of my home theatre, I would lounge on my bed or my sofa depending on my mood, wearing pyjamas or some sexy nightie depending on my mood as well and Skype with Ali. It was the second best part of my day.
We had been skyping constantly and taking about everything. He had continued sending me gifts, dinner mostly, so I 'remembered' to eat enough.
My favorite gift was a lifesized dark chocolate teddy bear. We were talking about snuggling and he said he needed a representative on my bed. (wink)
The next day I received the large parcel with the name tag :CHOCOLATE.
It had not left my bed since then.

We had seen just once though at the reunion and I missed him terribly. Zahra's wedding was in two weeks anyway and of course he was expected to come home soon.
The next day being Friday was an African Voices event and I was invited. I planned to show up at the office but leave early to prepare for the event slated to start by 2pm.
I was talking on phone with Ali and I told him about the event tomorrow and my plans for work. Telling each other about our day and immediate future plans had become second nature. Granted I talked more but he seemed to enjoy listening and was always laughing at the things I would say.
We would always Skype but today he called me. I wondered why. I was used to seeing him every night. I wondered why he didn't want that this night.
"So, when would you be getting into the office tomorrow?"
I had just found out that Ali's voice was so much better on the phone. Rich but rough, I quickly changed from handsfree to phone speaker. I needed to feel the vibration of his voice on my skin.
"8 ish,"
I didn't really get to the office by 8, or 9. Since I was able to work anywhere, I usually came in around 10:30 or 11. Just for appointments.
But I didn't want Ali to see me as tacky. He was focused and determined and hardworking. He had given me a financial journal once when we discussed finance earlier. I exposed my spending splurges and he told me I was clearly the spender in the relationship.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course you can " I heard water running and stop.
"I'm not complaining or anything but why did you call me today? Where are you that you really don't want me seeing."

He chuckled, the baritone clear. And I suddenly wished I could see him.

"Women's intuition? If you want to Skype then we'll Skype. I have nothing against seeing you."
"Are you still at your aunt's place?"
"No, I'm not." No further addition.
I didn't want to seem like a nagging wife, so I didn't hound.
"I could take a picture right now if you want?"
His tone was light and I could sense a smile
"I want."
"Alright Missy."

I got a few seconds of silence and then ding ding, new message

Okay, I could see him, although this didn't tell me anything about where he was.

"Got it?"
"Got it."
I was stressed out from the day and it wasn't long till Ali noticed and bid me a sweet goodnight.


It was 9;30 am and I stepped out of my car and walked into my office building. A lot of people called out their greeting but I just nodded politely. With my below the knee black gown, I felt like almost unstoppable, like a 21st century sexy business lady. Smashing

I walked into the reception and the few people sitted stood up immediately. I guess they were my appointments for the day. As the secretary gave me some folders, I reminded him I'd be having a short day today.
As I looked at the people waiting, I mentioned
"I'll let you know when to bring them in."
I pushed open the door to my office as I heard
A huge smile broke out on my face as I took in the person who had made himself comfortable in my chair.
"Ali- "
"I bought you coffee but it became cold. I asked someone to heat it up but it still became cold."
"Ali you're here"
I was becoming emotional.

"Yes, I wanted to surprise you. I arrived Nigeria yesterday evening"
He was walking to stand before me and then his fingers skimmed my jaw.
Both my hands held his wrist as I looked into his face.
"Did I keep you waiting, Ali?"
He smiled and looked me in the eyes.
"I've been waiting for months". I smiled
" Are you here for good?"
"Who knows? But I'll be here for a while. I've been invited to the African Voices event. I'll be presenting an award."
"Zahra told me you won an award last year?"
"Yes, Innovative mind 2016"
"Really? The same event?"
He lifted a flower stem I hadn't noticed from my desk and offered it to me
"Be my date tonight. We'll go together."
"Of course. I'd love to."

As we stepped down from the limo that drove us, the camera flashes were extreme. I shielded my eyes but felt Ali's hand around my elbow firmly directing me.
On getting to the red carpet, we took some photos together and alone.
Remembering Ali was not aware of the publicity plans surrounding him, I gently asked him
"Do you think this is okay?"
"Of course, they are going to find out anyway."
He turned to face me.
"No matter what they say about us being together, I'm going to stand by you. I've already spoken at length with my father. Dont worry yourself, alright. We're here for each other."

I wanted to hug my Ali right then.
After a while, Ali went backstage to prepare for his awarding session.
When he stepped on the stage, I watched him closely. He looked impeccable in black.

"And the award for " AFRICA'S MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMAN 2017 goes to..."
He made a show of opening the envelope slowly and
"JaMA Insurance founder and CEO, Jamillah Marie Abubakar."

The applause grew louder and I walked to the stage. As I climbed the steps, Ali's stretched hand was there to help me up. That He pulled me and then we entered into the spotlight together. As he handed the glass award to me, he kissed one cheek. I have to say, I really don't remember what speech I gave. What I remember was Ali , instead of going backstage, resting his palm on my back and steering me off the stage and back to our seats as the next presenter appeared. That was not in the job description.
I really believe it was at that particular moment I was sure, without a doubt that he was what I wanted.

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