
With my legs crawled on the sofa I switched the station and threw a hand full of popcorn into my mouth while it rained heavily with lightning. In Nigeria, I knew light and rain were enemy's thus it was like a taboo to see light when it rained.

"Can we talk?"

Sighing, I nodded and reduced the volume of the Tv set.

"I am sorry...I mean it," He started after taking the sofa beside me.

"Hearing you apologize is exhausting," I said placing the bowl of popcorn on the table.

"So I am forgiven?"

"I just need space Kunle, everything is moving too fast."

He nodded and covered my hands with his "I know, and I am sorry Grace. I am sorry for everything."

"What do you want?" I inquired suddenly exhausted from my own annoyance. It felt like I was hurting more than I should.

"I want you. Yes... I know right now you don't believe a word I say...but I want you." He squeezed my hands.

I looked into his eyes and there it was, all written in those brown eyes that danced with assurance, pain, hope, and love mixed together.

"I can't do this," I whispered, pulling my hands away from his.

"I know you don't trust me, neither do you believe anyword I say."  Smiling, he stood.

I watched him walked to the door, slowly turned the knob, and sauntered out while tears rolled down my cheeks.

I love him.

But despite my feelings, I was scared. Scared of the unknown, scared he might change just like Ken. Through in between my fears I knew I couldn't raise the child alone, there was no way he would let it happen. Therefore I was in a lose-lose situation.

It was either I lose the man I love because of fear or, I lost my pride and have the love of my life.

Picking the latter, I rushed out the door and stood in the empty pavement which shielded me from the rain.

" Kunle!" Carefully, I stepped into the rain that immediately had me shivering as my clothes got soaked.

"Kunle!" I called again and like before, I was met with no response and it increased my fear of pushing him too far as I rushed further down the road with my heart pounding.

"What the fuck are you doing in the fucking rain?!" Following the direction of his voice, I turned and was shocked to see him standing at the corridor with his clothes dried and not dripping like mine.

"Where did you go to?" I inquired now under the protection of the roof as I stood beside him.

"This." He pointed to the corridor which led to the other end of the house, "goes around. I needed to think. What were you doing in the rain?"

"I thought you left?"

"It's pouring heavily, no sane person will go into this thunderstorm," he said and just to justify his words, lightning stroke.

"Which makes me insane."

"I never said such. You need a change of clothes Grace."

"Don't worry, I am ok," I said but sneezed right after.

"Come here." He pulled me into the building and straight to the bathroom where he prepared a hot bath. "Take off your wet clothes."

I hurriedly stepped out of the wet ones into a white towel.

Loving A Stripper (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now