"II hope 2o...." I sighed and put down the pen.

"What iif he doe2nt liike iit?"

"He'll love it dude. Especially since I am helping with this. A strider never fails once it comes to music."

"Dave, you don't even play the piano... And didn't Sollux beat you in that Rap off though Dave?"

"You're getting off subject egbert."

I laughed. "Ye2 II Diid.."

"Well, we have to leave in a while.... "

"Why? We have to help Sollux with this?"

"Because we promised Eridan we would hang out today, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"IIt2 okay guy2. II thiink II have two practiice thii2 for my2elf anyway2..."

"But we also won't be able to see you until the party tomorrow.. We promised we would sleep over.."

"Great! More tiime for me two practiice and not get dii2tracted."

"Alright dude, we'll see Ya tomorrow."


And with that, John and Dave left me alone. Perfect.

Gog, I never knew playing the piano could be so hard... Thank Gog John taught me how to play the piano..

I looked at the piano keys and began playing.

So much playing to do..

So little time until tomorrow..

Eridans POV:

I quickly hurried to my door and opened it, seeing Dave and John.

"Wwhats up guys?"


"Sup, ready to have some fucking fun?"

"Yeah, I guess." I rubbed my arm lightly as I let them into my home.

"Holy shit, your place is huge."

"WWhale Wwhat did you expect it to be? "

"Hehe! Come on! Let's have some fun!"

John laughed and put his things down by the couch. I closed the door and smiled.

Gog, I'm really thankful I have these guys... They're really fun to hang out with..

"So what are we going to do?" John asked excited.
"Wwhale I wwas thinkin' wwe could all Wwatch some movvies or play some games and just.. Y'knoww... Talk I guess."

"Okay! What movie!?"
"God, please don't let it be Con-Air, Titanic, or any other fucking movie related to Nic Cage and Kitkats shitty romcoms."

"Hehe! It's wwont be Nic Cage related."

"Damn it!" John pouted.

"And I'm not in the romance mood right noww.."
"Oh right.. Sorry.."
"It's okay! I just... Yeah..." I faded out really not trying to think about romance.

Well that's going to be fucking hard having a couple with me to hang out.

"Howw about wwe wwatch Taken? I heard a neww one is comin' out soon! Wwe can Wwatch the other ones!"

"Hell yeah, what about you John?"
"Sure! I haven't seen the second one yet though.."

"It's okay! I havve them both! Second one?"

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