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Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing okay and good but I want to tell you that my boyfriend is such a  cute and sweet guy to I can't believe I have dated someone like him someone who can know everything so after we finished one month I have decided to send him something but I never thought he will be so deep in the message and how his reaction couldn't let him say anything so this is what I wrote for him :)

Dear baby, sometimes it's hard to express what I want to tell you you know I'm falling in love with you but I never thought I'll be falling in love with Someone like you baby you're my everything and I'm glad that I found you maybe I'm not good in writing paragraphs but I will try my best to make it the best paragraph that you smile and never fade away. This all started when I found that I was going to give up to not find someone not say someone but let's say a right man will  treat me right
Remember when you told me that you love me but then I was so scared to fall in love with you I know that I'm so idiot I should have told you earlier how much you mean the world to me and how you are the most valuable person in my life I'm a type of a girl that gets jealous easily and you should be proud that you have a girl that gets too shy and get jealous so easily♥️♥️♥️♥️

You know I don't know how to tell you that my life has been better when I found you been have been considered that I will be so happy if I continue my life with you until the end, I didn't know that I will be that type of a girl that will share all your dreams and your life.♥️♥️

About you and thinking every day will I ever going to leave you I know I'll never do that and about you thinking that I was going to cheat on you I would never do that and about you thinking that I can replace you with someone I promise myself I won't do that in about you thinking that would you ever going to hurt me in the end. I know deep inside that no matter what happened you never going to hurt me because they say if the man loves a Woman truly intentionally no matter what happens he would never do something that breaks her heart. ♥️❤️

If our relationship continues no matter what happened I will stick with you and if anybody trying to say you  not good at treating girls I would never believe in them you know why because they aren't the one who will decide what should I do in my life., and I want to apologize for what you have been through in your recent life and I'm sorry that you have been through a lot and I'm sorry that you're falling in love with the girl didn't know that you are worth it I wish I could go back in the time where I can be instead of her and to  be Fallin For you ⌚❤️

And I remember the first time we started to be met and I didn't know what to say but I felt comfortable safe happiness. secure joy crazy insane how about you and I don't know what to say but if I ever caught you looking at other girls I will have barely slap you.

And the moment when I told you bring me your hand to see if it's a bit longer or shorter than mine and the moment I hold it I don't know what I felt but I felt something really good I found myself in-home being with you and the I touches our hands together I found Love  I felt butterfly dad the sign of love but I just anyhow I just accept anything it doesn't matter baby, to be honest, I'm going, to be honest, this time I don't care about looks I don't and I don't care if you're wealthy or rich or poor money doesn't bring happiness being with the one you love can bring you anything and yeah sometimes I get a little bit crazy not to accept what you're bringing to me because I don't like you when you consume all the things on me.🙄♥️♥️

I choose a person to love me I don't choose him by his  look I only choose him by his personality and I do everything I can just to make sure that he's happy with me I don't know if I'm going that thing or not  but I hope that I make you happy one day because you mean the world to me like I mean the world to you I'm out of words but this time I'll talk seriously and to never lie to you and to always be honest with you and I will do my best to never hurt you because I think I have found my Prince Charming and I don't want him to leave me like the rest cuz I'll be lost again don't care about anyone don't care if you've been losing or gaining just make sure that you have one thing inside you faith hope happiness smile love care respect and make people happy

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