𝕀'𝕞 𝕊𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕀 𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕧𝕖?,

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Since everyone is wondering what I have but I never thought I would be honest this time, to be honest, what I have it's something so annoying it'such a pathetic thing to live through Every time trying to fall asleep I get a panic attack and a shake and sometimes I wake up from tightness or shortness of breath of oxygen it's killing me. Every time I look through my hands to see the veins and how they all appear, I remember how I ask the doctor what does it mean if my veins appear he said that you don't have a lot of blood cells and that you have low oxygen that can reach your body so there is a small amount of blood in your body that can do specific function sometimes you might feel dizzy sometime you'll feel not interesting in eating sometimes you feel like you wake up from sleep being frightened and the how he told that you have mood swings in different times it's can be at night or day.

Also, How every time you put something and then you put it in the place you put it before you can easily in no time you forgot it this is also an effect. Another thing he told me to try to eat something with iron cuz what you have can't protect you from any diseases and what you have can't develop your body system if you go out in this disaster city that is full of disease which is meaning coronavirus you will die in no time cuz you don't have any protections to help you you're too low for that. I know it hurts and I know every time I keep on crying why did I cry over someone who didn't appreciate me is it because I wasn't good enough for him or is it because all of his mistakes were being put over me. I didn't do anything but all I did was trying to make him happy but look at what I have done to myself I became sick I have anemia I have low white blood cells I have shortness of breath of oxygen I get dizzy sometimes I have aches on my chest and aches in my heart I get really strong ashes at the back of my spinal cord what shall I do I didn't tell anybody. I only told my mom and my boyfriend

He cries
That's hurt my heart so badly that you just want to be like why did you do that? but you couldn't cuz he didn't want to blame me for what happened for me in the past. He doesn't want to say it's all your fault. But in the end, he is always there for me through hardness toughness moments when I was in the hospital and he was there for me and when they gave me some blood test he was there for me always trying his best to make me happy but I never thought I would be with someone like him. I don't know why I'm crying saying this but this is me I have a panic attack well I remember there's a situation happen to me and I saw a Jin in front of me well since our Islam's we don't stay double but we stay at Jin so so he told the driver he told and how he whispers some words and I didn't get anything in that time the driver we're stopped moving in no time and he wasn't doing anything you would just obeying what he was saying. Then he looked at me and I was frightened.

I was barely frightened I couldn't even do anything so I got a panic attack(panic attack means is when someone could I move couldn't do anything and all his body stop and that's what happened to me). So I stopped and he sats next to me and I don't know what happened my mind was telling me to to to to go out from this place you don't deserve to sit here just go out and run trying to do anything but don't let this Jin whisper on your ears.

So I decided to run and burst into tears I told my friend what happened she couldn't believe me I told her what happened but she told me isn't the same guy we saw in the beginning in the street and then he vanished. And I was like Yes! that was him. A How did he cames back to you again and I was like I don't know.

So this the most horrific events happened to me
I'm okay but not that okay.
So please stay safe ❤️

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