Chapter 18 : The Young Gathering

Start from the beginning

I walk down the stairs and see Jeremy looks so sharp and handsome in his tuxedo , minus the bow . He turns to me , and he puts his hand on his chin and smile . "Tater Tots , you look beautiful" , I smiled , "thanks" . He holds my hand and lift it up to ask me to twirl and I did , " you cleaned up good , Karenina" , "now you twirl for me , Jerrie" . He walks in a circle and hold his collar and make a terrible smirk on his face" , I laugh and say , "like a total bachelor !" , "that is what I'm going for" . He is such an idiot and he's one of my dearest friends , he does look incredibly sexy in that suit but I think it's normal for friends to think like that towards friends , right ? "I'm gonna capture this moment !" , Carla steps out from the kitchen with a polaroid camera , Jerrie and I immediately squeeze in and smile as she took a picture . Lionel kisses my forehead and tell Jerrie , "you better take care of her" , " don't worry Lionel , my eyes will be on her at all times" . So we exit the house and goes to an empty barn near the woods , it is really secluded . 

Both of us enter the barn arm-to-arm , and I scan the surroundings . Everyone seems to know everyone , and the music seems up-to date so they don't really live in a cave . Suddenly , all eyes are onto us like we are from another planet , "I'm kinda nervous , Tater Tots" , Jerrie whispers . I hold his hand tightly , " me too , Jerrie". We walk in slowly and this girl comes over to us , she is wearing this pretty red long dress and she has a tattoo of a crescent on her wrist , "hi ! I'm Amelia . I know you guys are new but don't worry , we'll make you guys feel at home" , she seems nice . I shake her hands , "I'm Karenina , and this is Jerrie" , Jerrie just make a little wave . She suddenly hug us both with her arms , "Im so glad to finally meet you , you know we all have been wondering whether you guys are really coming. How's magic treating you ?" , We smile and just say okay , and she shows us to her table and there's like 5 other people . " Guys , this is our next coven leader Karenina and her friend Jerrie" , everyone waves and they introduce themselves . There's a Brianna , Keth , Jill , Lyea and Ralph. Both of us sit down , and Keth suddenly speaks out , "Hey Jeremy , aren't you the one from Nebula coven ?" , I can see that the question makes him uncomfortable but he plays along , "yeah" . Then Ralph takes a seat next to him , " what the hell did you do man ? Or are you some kind of spy ?" , spy ? I thought , that's just ridiculous . "Guys , be nice" , Brianna says . " I hear you're the only lightining element , and that's cool" , she added . "I'm a wind element , just like Jill here" . "what about you , Lyea ?" , I ask and Lyea is more of a silent type and Ralph answers for her , "she's a mind-reader , so she doesn't talk alot . She's more of a listener" . Suddenly , Jerrie got nervous and stands up and asks me , " you wanna dance , Tater Tots ?" , "Awwww , you call her that ? That is so sweet ! Are you guys like , a couple ?" , Amelia jumps in . Jerrie and I look at each other , and shook our heads . "no no ! We are just friends" . "That's what Jill and I say when we were friends" , she put his hands over her shoulders and kiss her cheek , "yeah , this bastard is my boyfriend" , she smiles . I hear a song that I like , it's from 5SOS , I immediately takes Jerrie's hands and lead him to the dance floor . " I love this song !" , I shout to Jerrie , "okay , Tater Tots . Move those hips !" . So I did , but not in a Shakira , hips don't lie motion , more of a , i'm-practicing-to-play-the-hoop-ring . He laugh so hard and I feel comfortable and not embarassed at all , cause he's bad himself . He's starting to put his ands up in the air and sway it from side to side . We are having a great time , laughing and joking and talking to other witches and warlocks . Our nerves on getting shoved is such an overreaction , they are actually quite nice . Suddenly , a slow song by Ed Sheeran is on and the dancefloor is full of couples dancing . I look at Jerrie and he hold out his hand , "may I have this dance , m'lady ?" , I smile and flutter my eyes , "why sure , your dukeness" , we let out a little laugh and head the dancefloor . His hands are on my waist , and my hands are over his neck . We dance to the music , and our eyes found eachother and I am lost in it . I do not want to look at anything , other than those eyes , they make me feel safe . Jerrie looks at me and kisses my cheek , I feel a hot blush on my cheeks and I kiss his cheek back . "copycat" , he says . I hit his chest . "I'm doing you a favour , I'm making the girls jealous so that they'll make a move on you" . He grins and say , "what if I don't care about those other girls cause I literally have the best one here , in my arms" , I have really no words to say , and just smile at him . My heart is beating so fast , and I look at his  eyes staring at my lips , I got nervous and start to say something , "what are you trying to do ?" , his eyes immediately looks up , "this" . He starts to lean in closer , and I think I'm literally sweating . Before his lips lands on mine , the door opens and theres a group of guys walking in , they're just wearing checkered shirts so obviously , they're not invited . 

"This looks nice , why aren't we invited ?" , a guy standing ahead of the rest asks . Keth walks over and stands in front of him , "this is a private party , and no furry creatures are allowed in here" . Furry creatures ? They seem kind of like normal teenage boys to me , not so hairy though . Jerrie lets go of me and walk over to them , "guys , we don't want any trouble here so please leave , you're unwanted" , he holds out his jolt ball . The guy smirks and say , " Then we're just gonna crash it" . Suddenly , all of the guys rip out their shirts and transforms into werewolves . Some of the crowd runs to the back and Amelia runs to me , and say , " we'll protect you , you can go and run back with the others" , I'm not gonna let them fight , they need all the magic they can . " No , I'm staying" . "Are you sure ?" , Amelia asks me again , I just nod and give another nod to the gang . "Let's witch this party up !" , I hold my hand out and lit up my flames and turn my eyes to gold . 

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