Chapter 10 : Neil , who ?

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I'm so excited to meet Gina and Rachel for lunch today because it's been 2 weeks I haven't seen them because I have been busy with my magic stuff and during the weekends is the only time I got to rest and do my homework , so it has been stressful these few weeks . As I entered Frankie's , Gina and Rachel are not here yet so I sit in an empty booth . I check my phone wondering if they are any texts from the girls , but no notifications so I just wait then . I look at the surroundings ,  there is an old couple enjoying a tall strawberry milkshake , ain't that cute ? I smile looking at them then my face turns sour looking this guy eats a slobberry burger and the sauce drips on his belly , that's just nasty ! I continued scanning and I see the guy with a blonde highlights , the one that checked me out the other day at the bowling alley . I just look at him for a second and our eyes meet and I immediately look away , I'm not the kind of girl that blushes when a guy looks at her cause like my mum always say , "give guys some attitude , if he has guts he'll talk to you cause a strong lady deserves a strong man" . 

A few seconds later , Rachel storms through the door and gives me a hug , " I miss you Nina !" , "I miss you too Rach" , she ended up sitting beside me . I stood up and hug Gina from across the table , " I know that we have been seeing each other at school but it's not the same without you after school , Nina" , she said . I feel guilty and I say , "I'm sorry you guys , you know what has been going on eventhough magic doesn't need any physical strength but my mind is just so tired of focusing this and focusing that" . Then a waitress come by taking out her notepad , " so what's it gonna be ?" . Gina ask for a cheese burger and a tall diet coke , Rachel politely orders a chocolate milkshake and a vegetable omellete but then the waitress say , " Sorry , we only serve omellete before noon" . Then Rachel starts to pout and I can't let the waitress do that to her so I decided to apply what I have learned , I look at the waitress eyes and say to her while I make my eyes and hers turn gold , "you are going to do that omellete and for that chocolate milkshake , extra sprinkles please . Oh and for me , just get me the Frankie's burger and a diet coke . Thank you" , then I unlit the gold in my eyes and hers , "Yes , right away" , then she walks away . Gina drops her jaw , "what kind of the shit did you just do ?" , I move my hands implying for her to volume down that latina charm . "Its a persuasion , I just learn it" , I whisper . " So you can tell people what to do ?" , Rachel ask and I nod my head . " Do another one !" , Gina excitedly demand it and I say , "no , I'm still practicing and it's not a toy Gina" . " Oh come on ! Don't be such a bore !" ,she say and hitting my shoulder . What's wrong with a little fun ,  I thought . A fine looking guy passes through , he is wearing a Nirvana singlet and has a lot of bangles so I stop him , "excuse me ?" , "yeah" , he respond . I took a tissue and a pencil at the end of the table and lit my eyes to gold and immediately his eyes lit too , " please  write your number here" , I instructed and he took the pencil and write his number on the tissue . Gina just laughed hysterically and whisper , "you witch you !" . I smile while holding the tissue and then Rachel took the tissue out of my hand , "I'll take that if you don't mind" . Gina and I look at each other with confusion and look at Rachel , "chica , are you sure you want to know this guy ?" , Gina asks . "He's a 7 at least , why not ?" , and I say , " I rest my case then ! When the rate is more than 5 , its worth the risk !" . We all laugh and I have a really nice time just hanging out with the girls . 

As I walk home alone after parting ways with Gina and Rachel I feel someone breathing behind me , I ignore it and walk as fast as I can . "Hey ! Don't be afraid , I just want to talk to you" , it's the guy with highlights . I asked , "what ?" , while walking in a fast pace . He hold my shoulder to stop so I stand a few feet away from him with my hands in my jeans pocket but I am not scared to use these fireballs if I need it . He scratch his head and smile , and I just look at him . Is he trying to be cute ? " Okay , I've been seeing you for a couple of times now and I am kind of attracted to you , so can we hang out ?" . " I do not even know you , what makes you think I would go out with you ? You could be a serial killer for all I know" , I say while folding my arms . "I assure you that I'm not , let me walk you home" , he says . " I am capable of walking home by myself , thank you" , I say and continue on walking . He chase me and say , " You know , it's not safe for  a girl to walk alone at night . Psychos are everywhere" , I laugh and say , "are you one of them ?" . "You're one fiesty little girl aren't you ?" , he respond and I just keep quiet . We just walk silently until we reach my door , and before I enter I have to be polite cause my parents raise me well . "Thanks , I'll see you later" , as I push the key into the door , he says , "Neil" . I looked at him , "sorry ?" . "See you later , Neil" , he corrected me and I guess Neil is his name , I just smile and say " Karenina" . I get the door to open and as I enter , he suggested , " So how about seeing me later where later is dinner on Friday ?" , he grins . Why is he trying so hard to go out with me ? We just walk silently and kind of awkwardly and he still insists on going out with me ? I look at him and putting my hands on my hip , "Okay , I'll give you a shot" , he pull his arm down and screams yes ! "So I'll pick you up on Friday then ?" , I just nodded and close the door . It's not wrong to go on a date , what do I have to lose ? I think I can take care of myself since I have magic , but if he ever try to do something creepy , I swear I'll throw these fireballs up his ass .

a/n : I just added a new guy character , gosh ! I'm gonna try my best to develop this story nicely and I apologize if it's a slow one . Please drop a comment if you have anything to say or vote if you like it ! :)

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