Chapter 8 : Feels like home

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So here I am , at the Abyss's mansion . I'm still in the car with my dad driving through the gates . "Aren't you excited baby doll ?" , my dad asked . "I don't know dad , what is the word if my stomach is twisting , my heart rate is like crazy and my head is saying that all of this is just a dream ?" . As the car stopped at the front of the door , I was curious to know what is beyond that door and at the same time I feel something bad is in there too . " Do you remember that you always chant spells from your novels and feeling you can relate to them , just cause ?" , my dad said while grinning . I nodded my head , "it's because you are one of them , you have finally found where you belong . You are not going to be the only one in the sandbox anymore , you are going to flip that sandbox upside down with your new gang here" , I can't help but laugh to my dad's sense of humour . I kissed my dad on the cheek and before I open the car door , he said , "and be nice to your parents" . I form a small smile by just curving my lips to the left . 

I stood in front of the door and before I touch the doors with my knuckles , the door slightly open . So I pushed the door slowly and said , "hello ! Anyone here ?" . No one answered , but I couldn't help but to enter , the aura of the mansion has such a familiar vibe . The scent of the carpet along the hallway even has a hint of antique that I am intrigued to know its history , even the floor creaks so it's clear how old this mansion could be . There is a lovely guest area in the left side . It has a red couch and a lamp with a long stand and floral patterns on the lamp shade , Carla has good taste in interior design and that 45 inch screen completes the ambiance of the room . So I decided to sit on the couch to wait for either Carla or Lionel to appear . This couch is so soft so I'm just gonna lie down and feel the fabric texture on my spine , damn that feels nice ! These last few days has been hectic , like finding out I'm a witch , and because of one day off from school , I had to do last minute studying for the history test today and I think I got mixed up between Egyptian hierarchy and Greek so I think I'm gonna get at least a C on this test ? I also stayed up just lying on the bed and wondering what is gonna happen to me , this is all still foreign to me and I don't know when I'm gonna really accept this part of me . This is so surreal . I think I'm gonna close my eyes for awhile , 2 minutes tops . 

I opened my eyes and stretch my arms , I just had the nicest nap , how I feel so energized ! As I stretch my legs , my feet touches something . I lift my neck and see a guy eating chips and as I turn my head towards the television , the Bachelor was on . The Bachelor ? That show is not aired until 8pm ? My eyes widened and sit up straight and see outside was dark , I slept through the whole evening ?!  " Morning sunshine ! Oh wait , evening tater tots" , he said . "Oh God ! I can't believe I slept through , it was suppose to be 2 minutes ! I have to call my dad" , as I was dialling his number , Carla entered the area . "Dearest , you're up !" , "why didn't you wake me up ? We are suppose to have a lesson today" , I said furiously . " Well , you were sound asleep and it looks like you need it so I just let you sleep . Since you're up and dinner's ready , how about joining us for dinner ?" , Carla offered . " No thank you , I rather have dinner with my family , if that's okay" , my statement seems to kill Carla's smile and I just remembered that I have to be nice to her so I try to say something nicer I guess ? " We could have dinner some other time , it's just I'm already set on having dinner with Greg and Jo" , she started to smile again , "well , next time it is" . I called my dad and he is already nearby cause he was worried that I didn't call , so I waited outside at the porch for him . A voice suddenly appear , "so you're the missing princess huh ?" , it's the guy with the chips but his hands are empty now and he is looking at me up and down like I am the statue of Liberty . "Do you mind not looking at me like that ? And I'm not a missing princess , I'm not even close to a princess" , I said . This guy has a big and buff body , so he works out I assume and I assumed something else , "are you a werewolf ?" , he look confused and then burst out laughing , "what makes you think I'm a werewolf ?" . 'Well , werewolves are usually , you know , buff" , I answered while curving my arms downwards as if I'm flexing my arms . He laugh again and say , " so guys that workout can't be warlocks ?" . I just realised men with magic are called warlocks , I thought it would be like sorcerers , but the word sorcerer just implies old man with a long beard holding a long stick . "I'm sorry , it's just werewolves are always described to have a body like yours in books" , I said . "It's alright , werewolves are kind of the ladies man too" , he nod and smiles . I , who do not prefer werewolves feel like throwing up so I put my finger at my mouth as I stick out my tongue to express the disgust . "Oh come on ! I bet if you mention a new kid is a werewolf , girls would go all crazy for him !" , "is this why you watch the Bachelor ? You like watching 20 girls fighting over one man ? " , I asks . " The dream of every guy" , he says while folding his arm and almost ripping his t-shirt sleeve cause his arm is just too big .

I saw dad's car at the gate , "my ride is here , so I'll see you later Bachelor" , I wave at him and walk towards the car . "Nice talking to you tater tots" . I told my dad about my awfully long power nap , and he asks , "who was that guy at the porch just now ?" . " Some guy dad , he just came out of nowhere" , " Are you his mate ?" , my dad asks again and raises his eyebrow . " Mate dad ? I'm not a wolf dad" , "Isn't he a werewolf ?" . I couldn't help but laugh .

A/N : Do you guys like it so far , the story may seem abit slow so I'm gonna keep up the pace of it . Vote if you like and comment if you have anything to say . Thanks ! 

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