Chapter 7: Ray's Choice

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Charlotte's POV:
"Well..." Ray said over the phone.

"I am saying to Piper not to cause who knows what could happen?" I said waiting for a response.

"Well..." Ray said again on the phone.

"Dude hurry up already!" Piper yelled out.

"Look Piper...Charlotte has a point." Ray said.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Piper said while snatching the phone out of my hand.

"Piper, it's just to risky! We don't know what could happen!"

"Forget it Ray! You wouldn't help me anyways..." Piper said giving the phone back to me.

"Look Piper I am sorry but-" Ray began.

"But what? Your scared?!" Piper yelled.

"Piper relax!" I said.

"Look Piper I am sor-" Ray said but he got cut of again.

"Your sorry? No I am sorry actually! I AM SORRY THAT I AM WORRIED ABOUT MY OLDER BROTHER WHO IS GOING TO DIE ALONE!!!" She yelled at the top of her voice.

"Why do you even want to bring the gum?" I asked as she sat down on the bed.

"Cause...cause I guess is he is gonna go then kid danger might as well." She said starting to cry a bit more.

"Umm...still on the phone remember?" Ray said on the call.

"Yeah I remember!" I said.

"Why do you even need us in the man cave?" Piper asked wiping her tears.

"I gotta show you something Schwoz made!" Ray said on the phone.

"Ok, we will be right over!" I said as I ended the call.

"Do we have to go?" Piper said angrily.

"Come on!" It will be alright!" I said pulling her arm.

"No it won't!" She snapped back pushing me away.

"Are you angry at me?" I asked.

"No, you're right it is to risky..."

"Then who are you angry at?"

"Who do you think Charlotte?"


"Yeah, obviously!"

"But why though?" I said while I sat next to her on the bed.

"Cause Ray would never support me on anything!"

"He would!"

"No, he wouldn't!"

"Come on Piper we need to go."

"Ugh...fine I will come with you to Junk 'n stuff!" She said as we both got up.

"Good now come on! Remember to get everything." I said as I helped Piper carry the stuff downstairs. We left everything on the dining table then we left for Junk 'n Stuff.

Sorry guys if your finding the chapters boring when I am adding more dialogue. I will try and add less later on in the book. A few chapters from now we will have a huge chenry scene to make sure your there for that.

See it now? (Chenry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ