Chapter 5: Is it 15:00?

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Charlotte's POV:
I woke up to hear Piper yelling my name and shaking me.

"Finally, come on we only have a few hours left until we can see Henry!" She yelled impatiently.

"What time is it?" I asked her getting up.

"Umm..." She said looking at Henry's alarm, "06:00!"

"Wha...Piper we still have 9 hour until we can see Henry!"

"Yeah so?" She asked while pulling me out of the bed.

I grabbed the hold of the bed while she was pulling me away. "Piper...please one more hour..." I whined while she dragged me on the floor.

"Come...on...Charlotte!" She said dragging me along the stairs. She dragged me all the way to the dinning table and made me sit in the chair. There I saw Mr and Mrs Hart both still in their PJ's both lying their heads down.

"She pulled you both down here to?" I asked pointing at Piper.

"Uh-huh..." They both replied simultaneously. I laughed a bit and they both joined in. At around  07:00 we were all fast asleep on the table until Piper came to us.

"WAKE UP!" She yelled loudly banging her hand on the table. We all got up scared by the loud noise. Piper then put pancakes on the table for us to eat.

"Umm...Piper how comes yours isn't burnt and ours are?" Asked Mrs Hart pointing at the burnt pancake in front of her.

"What? You think I have time to make proper pancakes for all of us when be have 2 hours left till we can see Henry." Said Piper taking a bite into her pancake.

"Piper!" Said Mr Hart crossing his arms.

"What Dad?"

"It's 07:00 we have 8 hours till we see Henry!" He said a bit annoyed at Piper.

"Yeah but somewhere in the world it is 14:00 instead of 07:00 and I am going by that time!" She answered back purposely making loud noises while she cutted her pancakes.

"It is true though." I said to Mr Hart.

"Fine get ready and I will let you know when we are about to leave." Mr Hart said.

"Whatever..." She said getting up and walking up the stairs.

"Well!" Mr Hart said taking Piper's unburnt pancakes and cutting then up into three pieces to share. "We may have a long time to wait until we can see Henry but at least we have this delicious pancakes!" We all look a piece and ate it, after a while we all spat it out into our plates.

"It's Piper's cooking what were we expecting?" Mrs Hart said.

"I don't know!" I said still spitting out the pancake bite.
Piper's POV:
I was in Henry's room looking at a few of the pictures of us together. I started to cry a bit until mum walked into the room.

"What are you doing sweetie?' She asked me walking into Henry's room.

"Nothing..." I lied.

"Piper sweetie you don't have to lie to me. What's wrong and tell me the truth?" She sat on the bed next to me as I quickly hid the photos.

"Nothing is wrong mum!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

"Piper what are you hiding behind you?" She said looking behind me.

"Nothing!" I said yelling while standing up. At that moment I realised that one of the pictures in my hand fell onto the bed.

Mum picked it up and looked at it.
"Piper it's going to be ok, alright?" She said while tapping the bed for me to sit down. I sat down and she gave me a hug which made me start to cry a bit.

"How long left until we can go to the hospital?" I asked wiping my tears.

"Hmm...I would say around 6 hours."

"Well at least time is passing by quicker!" I said smiling a bit while I got up. "I am going to check on Charlotte."

"Ok, I will be in the basement sorting out a few things with your dad if you need us." She said, we both walked out and went through our different paths.

When I got downstairs I saw Charlotte coming from the back garden into the house on the phone crying a bit. I walked towards her as to started to sit on the couch.

"Hold on a second Ray." She said putting the phone on mute.

"What's going on? Are you ok?" I asked tapping my foot on the ground.

"It's nothing Piper just go back upstairs." She said staring down at the floor.

"You know you don't have to look at the floor since dad got rid of the snakes with the hawk we are fine." I said starting to laugh but Charlotte didn't do anything.

"Can you please go upstairs?" Charlotte asked pointing towards the stairs.


"Just go!"

"Seriously Charlotte what is goi-"

"PIPER!" She yelled at the top of her voice.

"M-hmm..." I said as I stared at the ground.

"Go upstairs and I will come and explain everything!" She said firmly putting the call of mute. I went upstairs looking back at Charlotte.

What was going on?

SORRY GUYS! I am so sorry that I haven't updated! Alot has been going on but at least I got a chance to update. As a way of saying sorry I wrote for 6 hours straight to write lots of chapters. I know it is not alot but make sure to check them out.

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