Chapter 1:Her again

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"I have a date with Jack Swaggar" those words just keep ringing in my head causing me pain. I could have got Charlotte 5 years ago but I was to scared to ask. I feel stupid from all of this also Jasper is making me keep a few of his buckets as a present. I still don't get why the heck Jasper likes buckets. I'm gonna go to Junk 'n stuff to see if Ray needs help with anything, got nothing better to do.

I started to leave the house when I got a text, it was from Piper I opened it up to see a picture she posted on her page. She took a screenshot of the picture of Jack and Charlotte in the background of Charlotte's date and she also sent me another screenshot of all the comments I read each of the comments and they each said the same this 'Chenry forever'. What was I gonna expect? Piper made a secret account about Chenry and I have no idea how I can delete it since she keeps the account only logged into her phone. I put my phone back in my pocket and completely ignored any more messages from her.


Ray's POV:

"Bianca just leave already," I said furiously, Bianca had been hanging around Junk 'n stuff all week trying to get back together with Henry because she broke up with her last boyfriend.

"But I wanna see Henry," she whined, I finally get why Henry didn't care that much about her going in that reality TV series kids in the woods.

"Henry doesn't even care about you anymore so just leave!" I yelled, tears started to form in her eyes. I stayed silent for the whole time.

"Hey!" she said which finally broke the silence, "Why would Henry want to work in this rubbish store anyways? Especially with you as the boss." she picked up a hand full of nuts and bolt and threw them on to the ground.

"Now you listen here little girl if you carry this any longer I'm gonna call the police!" I said pointing a finger towards the phone next to me.

"Shut up!" she said I walked towards her grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her outside. She managed to run inside again.

"Wow..." I said "Why can't you leave?"

"I am not leaving till I see Henry!" she said crossing her arms. I ignored her and picked up the nuts and bolts she threw down onto the floor.

Finally Henry walked in so I decided to leave and go to the man cave, just as the elevator doors closed I heard yelling and a huge crash. That's when I knew that things would go downhill...


Hey guys, hope you guys are enjoying this book so far I'm gonna do a update soon so make sure you have your notifications on or more news and updates. Stay, safe and happy and I hope you all have a great day! Bye!

See it now? (Chenry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora