Chapter 9: The text

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I opened my phone to see a got a text from my mum:


Mum: Hi sweetie, I have some bad news...

Me: What's wrong?

Mum: I will have to stay at the hospital.

Me: What?!

Mum: The doctors came to check on me and said I can't stay at home.

Me: But what about Dad?

Mum: Well I haven't told him what happened. I don't think I should until he gets here.

Me: Why not?

Mum: You know how your grandfather suffered from cancer? (Mine did 😞)

Me: Yeah, but he fought cancer!

Mum: He has it again, I am sorry.

Me: Oh 😞

Mum: Your going to have to either live with you uncle or stay with the Hart's.

Mum: Didn't all my uncles and aunties move away from America? They moved to Canada!

Mum: So what I am saying is that you will have to move.

Me: What?!

Mum: I am sorry but it's the only way.

Me: So why aren't I moving already?

Mum: Lots of schools don't have a space for another kid so we are still trying to sort that out.

Me: So how long until I will move?

Mum: Probably a few months, it all depends on when we find a school.

Me: Oh ok..

Mum: You understand right?

Me:  Yeah I do but you could have just called.

Mum: I know but I thought you were in the hospital at that time so I sent you a text.

Me: Oh ok! Wait when will you be in the hospital?

Mum: In a few days, because of all the crimes that are going on lits of people are getting hurt.

Me: Oh yeah, I remember!

Mum: Come and visit me after ok?

Me: I will, I will be there by 7 after my shift at Junk 'n stuff is finished.

Mum: Ok sweetie, bye! Love you!

Me: Love you to mum! Bye!

I put my phone down without saying a word to anyone and pretended like nothing happened.

Will Charlotte be moving away? Will Henry get to se her before she leaves? How long until her mum is better? Got any predictions of what will happen make sure to comment down below!

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