Chapter 4: Bye...

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Henry's POV:
"You wait here while I go check on Ray!" I said about to get up and leave, but then Charlotte grabbed my hand and looked up at me.

"Be careful Henry..."

"I will" I said releasing from the grip and running downstairs. I saw Ray lying on the floor with his hand covered in dark red blood. His arm had crimson red blood dripping down from it with a pool of his blood on the floor. I looked across the room to see 5 men, 4 had sharp blades while one had a gun. I looked and saw that they were all carrying some type of jar with liquid inside it. It must be some tears of the jolly beetle.

"Ahh...look who came to join us Kid Danger. You have no chance now, look at Captain man on the floor" the guy with the gun laughed at me.

"Hey, you shut it!" I yelled at them walking towards them.

"Good luck with that...Henry Hart!" He said aiming the gun towards me.

"Wha-! How do you know my name?" I said

"Oh, we have associates. So Henry what's it gonna be you or your useless boss Ray?" He said pointing the gun back and fourth towards me and Ray.

"Hey...kid..." Ray said trying to get up, "I'll risk have a whole life to live."

"Ray, I am gonna do what I do to every criminal," I said looking straight in their bloodshot eyes "Fight..." I used my laser to shoot 3 of them down until they smacked my laser out of my hand. They tried to punch me but I dodged it managing to quickly grab my weapon from all the way across the room next to Ray. I aimed it at the guy with the blade and he went smashing through the window.

"Hey! Why don't you hurry up already," said the guy with the gun.

"I will get you trust me I will," I was about to shoot him but he shot me with his gun. All I remember is falling to the ground then everything went black.
Charlotte's POV:
All I heard was crashing and banging the whole time. I knew the whole time that Henry was defeating them. But then suddenly the banging sropted and I waited for 10 minutes and Henry still hadn't come back upstairs. I knew that something was wrong.
I went downstairs to see Ray lying on the floor hurt badly. Henry was shot, right in his chest. I tried to wake up Ray, luckily he did.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked worried about them both.

"I don't know I was attacked and...and yeah."

"Ray! Look at the state of your arm!" Ray looked and saw a huge cut. I ran upstairs to get the medical kit then came back down.

"Is Henry ok?" he asked looking at him.

"I'm not sure...let me check. Here are some bandages and a damp cloth." I said passing it to him, he smiled in appreciation. I knew that Henry shouldn't have gone down here alone. I went to Henry and tried to wake him up but he wouldn't.

"Henry? Henry? Henry?!" I yelled over and over again hoping he could hear me. Ray walked over next to me and sat down of the floor as well. I saw that he had the bandage on.

"Charlotte..." he said sadly.

"What..." I said knowing what he was going to say.

"He...he might not wakeup..."

"He will eventually!" I said starting to cry a bit. Ray pulled out his phone but it was broken, probably from the fight. He called the cops. Then blasted Henry with something that made Henry get up.

"This device takes all the energy inside one person and forces it all out at once. Hopefully we have enough time for Henry to blow a bubble." Said Ray. Ray took out Henry's gum and put it in his hand. Henry then blew a bubble and changed into his normal clothes without saying a word. He then collapsed on the ground again.

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