"Never," he promises, tangling his hands in her mass of curly hair.

If she wants, he'll hold her forever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

True to her word, Cavidan is the first to see Emir. She walks in gloating that she got her way, but when she comes out, she's in tears at seeing her son in the condition that he's in. Reyhan almost feels sorry for her. But then she remembers it was Cavidan's ridiculous plan to get herself shot in the first place.

"Why couldn't you just let us live in peace?" Reyhan asks Cavidan, unable to hold it in any longer. "We were happy. I made him happy. Didn't you care how your constant interference was making him miserable?"

"Please," Cavidan scoffs. "My son was never miserable a day in his life until you walked into the mansion. After that, he's known nothing but heartache and troubles."

"Because of you," Reyhan says. "Because you wouldn't let us be happy. You with your plots and your plans and your tricks to drive a wedge between us. I'll have to admit, for a long time, those tricks worked. You almost won on many occasions."

"And I will keep winning," Cavidan sneers. "Never underestimate the determination of a mother saving her child from a manipulative snake like you. You bat those big eyes at him and think you can control him, take him away from me, take my money, take my prestige. But it's all mine. And you cannot have any of it. I will not rest until you are back in that little village you came from and my son is thanking me for sending you there."

The sheer amount of hate she's feeling from Cavidan stuns her. And she can see that the woman truly believes Reyhan to be a danger.

"I never tried to take anything from you, Cavidan hanim!" Reyhan answers. "I know I came here with nothing. But all I wanted was a family. I had just lost my mother, so all I needed was love. All I needed was to become your daughter and live peacefully with you. That's all I wanted.

"Emir adores you, Cavidan hanim. I could never take him away from you. Even at the gala, after all you've done, Emir risked his life to save you. He put himself in danger because you were in danger. That wasn't because of me. It's because he loves you."

For a moment it looked as if her words actually penetrated. Cavidan frowns and looks towards the room she just left. But she just shakes her head and glares even harder at Reyhan.

"You don't get it, do you? I will never let you have my son. I will never stop. The longer you stay, the more you will hurt Emir. Just leave. Leave if you don't ever want to see him this way again. Let him marry someone worthy of the Tarhun name. That child will be taken care of. I can promise you," Cavidan swears to her. "Just go before you no longer have a choice."

Reyhan can see now that Cavidan is absolutely right. There really is no stopping her. No matter what Reyhan says or does, Cavidan will only ever be fixated on getting rid of her. She's never going to accept that Emir loves her and wants to be with her. Because in her mind, that means Reyhan wins. And she loses. But what Cavidan doesn't realize is that she's already lost. She's lost her entire family and nothing she can do will bring them back. Not until she stops. And she's never going to stop. So maybe it's Reyhan who needs to stop.

"I've never been at war with you, Cavidan hanim. There's room in Emir's heart, and in the family, for the both of us."

"Spare me," Cavidan says, rolling her eyes. Then those eyes flash to triumphant again as she catches sight of something behind Reyhan.

"Oh, well. Can't say I didn't warn you. It's game over for you." Cavidan grins and points to the police approaching. "I know you're a little slow, so I'll explain what's about to happen. These nice policemen are here for you. Who knew you hated me enough to order a hit on me? At least, that's what the police have been told by now. You are going to jail for a long, long time. I'm going to make sure of it."

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