Chapter 5: Won't Let You Go

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When you're falling, you're crashing
When your fire has turned to ashes
When you're screaming, your heart is bleeding
When you're feeling like there's no reason
I won't let you go
No I, I won't let you go
- Avril Lavigne

Niall's POV

"Hey I don't think Amie is coming at all. So why don't we just take you to Boston Medical Center and I'll wait with Luke in the waiting room?" I asked.

She had tears running down her face. She haven't seen her sister ever since the baby shower. She keeps making promises she can't keep. Even when it's an emergency. She still can't keep her promises and it's putting Avril down. Like I said Avril hasn't seen Amie since the baby shower last February.
I would be upset to cause if my brother said he would be here for when I needed him and he didn't show up I would be pretty fucking pissed.

She just swept some tears away with the back of her cardigan sleeve and nodded her head.

"I'll stay here while you go run up and get Luke's things together. I guess I'll call Amie and tell her not to even bother showing up cause she's already an hour late and the ambulance hasn't even bothered to show up yet either." She said letting some tears escape her eyes.

I completely forgot about the ambulance. I mean I remembered Avril had fallen down the stairs and we were waiting for Amie to call and tell us when she's on her way but, I must've forgotten about the ambulance.

"They said they would be here in 45 mins. It's been a great hour and a half. Where the fuck can they be." I screamed frustratedly out the window. I closed it right on my middle and pointer finger.

"Ahh.. Damnit!!" I said as I ached in pain.

"What is with us today. We're falling apart." Avril spoke softly while placing her head in her lap.

That's when I stopped to hear the crying from above us.

"Luke!" we both screamed.

'I sure hope nothing happened to him.' I thought to myself forgetting all about the pain in my fingers.

I bolted up the stairs like a cheetah to only find myself raging into Luke's small baby room.

I shook my head and gently picked him up and wrapped him in my arms. I cradled him in my arms and walked back and forth trying to calm his crying. I quickly stretched one arm to grab his baba off the side of the dresser as I held him in my arms. I gently pecked at his forehead and smoothly inserted the baba into his mouth.

He was so little. He was only about 14lbs for a 9month old but, the doctors aren't worried too much about it. They say he'll be okay and will grow once he hits his first growth spurt around 11 months old. I just wish he could stay this small. Babies are cute. Teenagers ehh, not so much.

"Please Luke, stop crying? What's wrong? You got your blankie and baba and oh, lookie here your favorite stuff animal Mama picked out for you.. Why are you crying?"
I question him trying to figure out what has him crying. Cause I know he's a baby and all but, there's always a reason for a baby to cry.

'Maybe he's hungry?' I thought to myself.

It could be. We haven't fed him since 2:30 and it's almost 5'o clock.

I held him pressed against my chest. He started babbling. He's been babbling for the past couple weeks. He came close to saying mama but, it didn't quite sound like it. He's just a cute baby. He's my little munchkin. And I don't know what I would do without him. He's my little sunshine.

I eventually got him to calm down.
I placed him In his highchair as I quickly decided to yell down the stairs so that I could tell Avril to wait patiently so I could feed Luke. I mean a baby's got to eat when a baby's got to eat. It's not like she's dying anyways. I mean she might have a busted hip and a broken arm but she'll live.



Avril's POV

I could feel my headache growing stronger. It was hurting my skull. It felt like my brain was crashing and churning inside my head. It was causing the side of my head to swell up. I had these reactions when I was pregnant with Luke but, never have I had gotten a major headache from falling down the stairs. I've managed to break a nail falling down the stairs, sprain a toe falling down the stairs, break a foot falling up the stairs, and finally this. This is the recent accident I had that involved me and my clumsiness and the stairs.

I like to think I'm not a clumsy person cause the floor hates me. Tables and Chairs are bullies and the wall always gets in the way. But does that make sense at all if I tried explaining that to anyone? Probably not. So let's just say I'm a pretty clumsy person.

My headache had started to spread throughout my head and soon I started to lose vision. All I could see were potential blurrs. About as blurry as my car windows.

I don't think this was suppose to happen. I had similar symptoms to when I was pregnant.

That's when I got to process my thinking.

'Maybe I'm fucking pregnant?' I thought to myself .

'Maybe I felt a kick coming down the stairs and that's what caused me to fall? Maybe that explains my headache which surprisingly didn't hurt as much anymore now that I had control of my thoughts, and maybe that's what's causing the loss of vision?' I kept thinking to myself.

That's when I remembered last thanksgiving. My old bedroom at my parents house in Canada. Niall, me, sex, fun.. Was all that happened that night and was talked all about the next morning.

'That means if I am pregnant. Im about 3 weeks. Well okay let's do the math. Thanksgiving was November 28th and well today is December 14th. That means... I was right to begin with... If I am pregnant.. I'm 3 weeks Into the pregnancy.' I thought to myself.

All I kept on my mind was the fact that I could be pregnant again. All the hormones, cravings, long hours of labour over again. All of that for more children. I'm not to pleased with the fact that I could be pregnant and all but, I'm not disgusted either. I love children. Babies to be more specific. Cause once kids turn into teenagers and everything stars going down hill.. Well don't come crying to me... Just sayin... I won't be there to help you out of that one...

I just hope to never let go. Never let go of life. Never let go of hope.

(A/N: SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?? I think by far this is the best chapter.. It may need a lot of editing l8er on in time.. But I know what I'm doing for the next few chapters and this one will not effect that so no worries if this chapter is a mess up...

Give me your thoughts(respectful & kind) opinion on this chapter?
Is it shitty? Is it great? Should I keep writing it or nah? Idk... I'm not getting any comments and I know I'm not the only one reading ... So that obviously must mean I suck.. But yet.. Idk... I would be pretty lazy to comment too.. So don't mind me..

Does anyone like the idea that Avril could be pregnant again? Does anyone know why Niall is all paranoid ... Well now I think his fatherly side is showing . But idk...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter & Happy Holidays!!!)

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