Chapter 3

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I fell down the stairs landing on my hip pressed up against the door at the bottom of stairs.

'Owwh that hurt like a bitch.' I thought to myself. Of course I didn't say that out loud, cause the fall left me breathless, speechless and in a lot of pain.

A lot of pain for a casual falling down the stairs. I wondered why did I fall? But then again, it's me we're talking about here. I'm like the clumsiest person here on Earth , if not pretty close to the second.

I tried pushing myself up but it was no use. I lost the feeling in my elbows and the side of my body.

I took a deep breathe, cleared my throat, and stayed quiet for a minute. That's when my throat regained it's strength. Enough strength for me to yell,

"Niall!! Help me!!"

It came out more like a scream but I'm pretty sure he got the message.

Out of the corner of my eye I seen Niall rushing down the stairs with a baseball bat. He stood there at the bottom of the stairs speechless at what laid in front of him.
He eventually put down the baseball bat at the side of the door.

"Sweetie what happened? I didn't hear you fall. Are you okay? Do you need to go to the ER?" He asked in a panicked voice.
He sat next to me with his arm resting across my upper back right below my neck. He placed his hand on my shoulder and his other arm around my legs. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the leathered couch in the middle of the living room.

He removed his arm from behind my legs and sat right next to me.

I looked up at him. His eyes spook more than his words. Then didn't seem as blue. They didn't look like they were Siberian Husky bright blue eyes. Them seemed grey and dull.

They were broken. Broken in a million pieces.

I got the courage to lightly whisper

"Call an ambulance and the baby sitter."

He nodded and sat up from the couch to go get the phone in the kitchen.

I then overheard his conversation with the paramedics on the phone.

"Yes, Hello, this is Niall Horan I need an ambulance sent to 4805 Off Carlton Drive."

He nodded his head and rushed his hand through his hair.
He looked like a mess.

"45 fucking minutes..." He screamed.

He then stared at me like he knew I was listening and stared back towards the wall.

He nodded mumbled a few words and hung up the phone.
I turned back to the side so I wasn't facing the direction of the kitchen anymore so it didn't look like I was overhearing them.

"It looks like we have to wait a bit."
He said as he plopped right beside me with his arm around my shoulders.

"What about the baby sitter did you forget to call her?" I asked.

"Um.. I'll be right back." He said pushing himself up from off the couch.

"Classic Niall. Oh Classic classic Niall. So forgetful." I started laughing even though I could still feel the pain on my side and my arm.

"Shhh... I'm on the phone." He said teasingly.

I covered my mouth with my hand and tried holding in my loud obnoxious laughter. Sometimes if I find something that's not really all the funny hilarious I'll laugh until I can't laugh no more. And this was one of those times.

"Like between now and the next hour. I just put him down for a nap he should wake up between like the next 3hours." He said aloud walking into the living room.

"Great will do so. Thanks Amie." He said hanging up the phone.

"Will do what?" I asked curiously of what it is my sister told him to do.

"She wanted me to tell you she hopes you'll be okay and that whatever it is you broke she hopes that you don't need surgery to fix or whatnot."

"Oh okay then." I said feeling a little bit like a dumbass.

(A/N: Sooo what do you readers think? Was it a bad chapter?

Do you think that Avril be okay? Will Niall have to take care of Luke more often now that Avril has been injured falling down a flight of stairs? Idk...
Tell me what you think in the comments...

Until the next Chapter!!!)

Shine Bright & Smile (A Niall Horan/ Avril Lavigne Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now