4. Late Night Explanations

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- Your POV -

I was walking home after spending the day with Cole. The small cigarette still sat between my fingers as I made my way through the dark streets. I hadn't realized how much time we spent in that cafe since it was already dark outside. I discarded the cigarette in a small ashtray that sat on top of a garbage bin since the smell still lingered on my clothing.

I couldn't risk going back to the apartment complex smelling like smoke, since it was a 'no smoking' building.

Just as I made it to the lobby and walked into the elevator I heard a familiar, yet annoying voice call out my name.

"Y/N wait up!" I heard him say as I moved my hand over the button to close the elevator doors and started to furiously press it. But of course, he was able to prop his foot between the door and wall causing the door to open.

Great, you thought, know he'll find out what floor I live on

As he stepped into the elevator, he looked me up and down before going to press the 6th floor button. I rolled my eyes hoping to get off as soon as possible. I really can't stand being in the same space as him.

"Are you ignoring me?" I look at him

"No, why would you think that?"

"Well, when I called your name you tried to close the doors before I could reach you. Didn't think I wouldn't notice huh." He said with a smirk.


"Don't forget, you owe me." I looked up at him appalled

"Owe you for what, letting me sleepover at your place unconscious?"

"Well, I wasn't going to exactly say that, but let's make that a plus" He looked down at me and smiled.

"But you owe me for saving your life." I was confused yet again by what he meant

"When and how did you save my life."

"Well, I tried to explain to you this morning, but you twisted my arm and walked out before I could." The elevator doors opened, revealing my hall, as I was about to step off, I stopped to hear the last part of his statement.

"You could come back to my apartment and I'll explain everything to you." I turned to face him, hesitant of his offer, but I took a step back and the doors closed leaving me to go with him.


As he opened his door, I recalled this morning's events. Waking up in his warm, soft bed, trying to leave, bumping into him, twisting his arm, and leaving in a hurry.

"You drink?" I see him standing in the kitchen grabbing a cold beer from the fridge. I walk over to his kitchen bar counter and take a seat on one of the tall stools. As I open the can, I look around at the interior design.

Not much going on, there were 2 large grey sofas adjacent from each other, one opposite of a fair sized tv. There were mismatching throw pillows and blankets scattered on them as well. A coffee table in the middle of the room, and a bookcase by the window.

"So, you wanna know what happened?" I looked at him, he was leaning on the counter beside me.

"Isn't that the whole point of why I'm here?" I say taking a large gulp from the can. He goes on explaining how he saw me standing on the edge of the roof, how he pulled me before I could topple down, and how I passed out. I could only sit there taking in the fact that someone actually cared to help me in that state.

"-then I brought you here, and you left after waking up." He finishes and I focus my attention back to him.

"Yeah, thanks for that." I say placing the can down on the counter as I get up walking towards the door. Before I could open the door, he cut the silence.

"You're leaving?"

"Uhh, yeah. I'm sure you remember that I was only coming to hear an explanation, nothing more, nothing less." Was what I managed to say before closing the door behind me so he wouldn't have a chance to stop me, and headed back down to my apartment.


-Harrison's POV-

After she slammed the door behind her, I walked back to the counter and lifted her can up. Damn, she finished the whole thing in 5 minutes


hello everyone! sorry for the short chapter, this was just a filler. don't worry though, we're going to get more into the story in the next few chapters, and you'll get to meet all the other characters soon :)

the story's beginning is slow but next chapter is where the fun starts

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