A Curve Called Failure

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Sometimes, when your walking alone.

You see two paths, diverging from the 

Dirt road you currently stand on.

You travel up the left path and find yourself,

Forever Alone.

Its a curve in the road, called epic failure.

Humiliation and abhoration make ourselves

Forever alone.

I see myself, in a mirror on the wall.

Asking myself, "Who the hell am I, really?"

I've hopped on a train, steel rungs freezing my fingers.

And never let go, and now what have I become?

Its misery, a complete mystery, and I see myself,

Acting all pimp, yet deep inside, I'm just a ragtag guy.

And so when we see the chrome and are about to kill ourself,

Think again, fool, because you can always spin heel, turn around.

And head the other direction, towards love and jovial emotions.

Because Jesus, the hippie that created us, is smiling down on us.

And calling us home, towards love and generosity.

Kind of depends if yo will answer the call?

Answer or Deny?

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