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So I have the worst dreams lately I have had ever. Its like God wants me to realize something. I don't know. But here is one.

So the dream starts out with me looking out the window. Suddenly a white corvette pulls into our driveway and out comes Obama and bin Laden with Ak-47s and Glocks and I freak out. The door is taken down, and so my crush, T***, appears, and she is ripped apart by bullets. They find me, talk in Hebrew or Arabic or something, and they decide to sell me as a horse. I don't know why. 

And so I am packed up in a horse kennel, and "sold." I wasn't sold to a horse tamer, I was sold to a horse slaughterer.

And here is the 2nd 1. 

I am tied to a rock, and the sea foams below me. Suddenly I feel a slight prickling at my back, and I notice rocky spikes were being impaled into my back. I screamed as they started to twist, biting flesh and ripping muscle. They started to get into my spine, and the twisting started to rip it out, and only muscle held it back. I screamed again for help, but to no avail. I saw one slide easily through my chest where my heart should be, but I wasn't dead. Its like the dream wanted me to expiriance as much pain as possible. I felt a spine drill into my skull, and my body shuddered in pain, driving the spikes in faster. Finally, my spine was ripped out and my body slumped like a rag doll's. I sobbed and screamed in pain as I watched the waters below me turn from aquamarine blue sea, crystal clear, to crimson foam, where a bunch of fish floated up, dead, like they were electrocuted. I felt the spines go all the way through my body, and a steady flow of blood ensued, and I screamed again. I felt a tremedous amount of pain, so much that I couldn't stop shaking and my vision started to spin out of control. I heard screams of millions of people, then awoke.

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