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I glared at Ryan as I heard, "I want you," spew out of his mouth. His words making me angrier than I was before. I raised my hand to slap him across the face, as I had done in the wine cellar. But this time, Ryan was sober, and his reflexes were faster and mightier than mine. He grabbed my raised wrist and pinned it back on the wall of the bathroom. Then he did the same to my other wrist as I went to counter with it.

"Let me go, or I'll scream!" I demanded, trying to twist my wrists to get out of his grip.

He wasn't budging. He just stared at me with darkened, hungry eyes. I went to open my mouth to scream, and in response, he planted his mouth on mine. I ended up letting out a quiet scream into it. Then as he continued to forcefully kiss me, my body took on a mind of its own. It was becoming aroused by the excitement of the moment. Eric was always such a tame and thoughtful man that he'd never dream of just taking me without consent. 

My body was enjoying the charge Ryan was taking, more than I wanted it to. I tried to resist, but he didn't stop as he continued to test his boundaries. His tongue carefully entered and explored my mouth to meet mine. When he realized I wasn't going to bite, even though I seriously considered it, he became more lustful and tried to go further.

Just then, the plane went through a little bit of turbulence, causing Ryan to release his hold of me, to stabilize himself. The pilot came over the intercom and requested all passengers return to their seats and to keep their seatbelts fastened. Being free from Ryan's grasp, I quickly unlocked the door and left him to return to my seat. As I headed back down the aisle, I fixed my hair and smoothed out my shirt, which was still slightly damp from the water spill.

As I reached my seat, I unknowingly interrupted Adam and the attendant flirting. She was giggling at something he said, but as she noticed my return, she shifted back to her professional stance. "The seats have been dried. Would you care for another glass of water, Madam?"

"No, thank you," I responded, sitting down and buckling my seatbelt just as Ryan rejoined us and did the same.

"Another Jack and Coke?" the attendant asked.

"Yes, please," he said, sounding slightly out of breath. He looked sideways at me. His expression showed that he knew he did a bad thing, but it wasn't an unapologetic look at the same time.

The attendant excused herself and returned moments later with a fresh drink. I noticed Adam giving her a subtle wink as she looked at him before returning to her station, at the front of the plane. Ryan also saw it and raised his glass towards his brother before taking a gulp.

"What?" Adam asked, seeing my disapproving gaze. "She's hot."

I rolled my eyes at his response, realizing he also had sleazy tendencies, just like Ryan. I wondered if it ran in the family.

"You should get her number so you can see her the next time we're in the Oakland area," Ryan suggested as he crunched on some of his ice. Obviously trying to cool his body back down. Or so I figured.

I rolled my eyes at his response too. I was still furious that he had just taken advantage of me. Again. Even though I still felt the excitement, my brain was telling my body to stop being irresponsible. I knew I should know better than to continue doing anything with a man that most likely was still just using me to get back at his archenemy.

Keeping these reminders in mind should have made it easy to turn off my desires. I even tried giving myself a similar talk as I gave Ryan earlier. I reminded myself that I wasn't in high school or college anymore. I was an adult. I had a fiance who was kind, caring and did all the right things. I should know better than to feel anything for that asshole. After all, it's always the assholes who end up breaking your heart. Right?

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