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Jimin arrives to Taehyung's hotel building.

The call he received earlier from Jungkook asking about Taehyung's room number with worry had left him worried too.

So Jimin showed up himself to make sure Taehyung was okay since Jungkook hadn't been answering his messages or calls nor Taehyung.

Jimin took the elevator up to Taehyung's floor and quickly walked to Taehyung's hotel room once the elevator doors opened.

He sees Taehyung's door oddly left wide open.

"Taehyung...?" Jimin softly calls out as he took a step inside the room and looked around.

Then, he catches Jungkook in the act.

Jungkook was watching Bogum suffocate right in front of his eyes. He had a dark glare and small smirk forming his lips, enjoying the view of his hands cutting off Bogum's oxygen.

Jimin's eyes widen "H-Hey!" he quickly reacts by rushing to them and pulling Jungkook away from Bogum.

Jungkook's facial expression changes completely when he sees Jimin there.

Bogum finally gasps out for air that he so very much needed.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Are you trying to kill him?!" Jimin shouts at Jungkook.

Jungkook says nothing. He was sitting on the ground silently just lost in his thoughts. He was confused over his actions.

Multiple officers suddenly walk into the room. Taehyung also makes a appearance. He was talking to one of them near the door entrance, just explaining what had happened. His voice was trembling as he talked, he was trying his hardest to keep in his cries.

Other's helped Bogum up on his feet.

Jungkook had declined their help and got up on his own.

Jimin looked around the room from where they stood. It was a mess. Blood and glass from the vase everywhere.

He then turns to Jungkook and gives him a serious glare. "What the hell happened here?"

Even though Jungkook's face was all beaten up and bruised, Jimin thought he was responsible for all of this mess.

"Bogum was hurting Taehyung. I only came here to stop it." Jungkook answers licking his bottom lip, getting the metallic taste of his blood from a lip cut he had.

Jimin was getting an odd feeling towards Jungkook. After catching him trying to strangle Bogum nearly to death, he knew this guy probably had some problems.

He doesn't think he can trust him.

After Taehyung was done talking to an officer. He approached Bogum and hugged him tightly, crying against his chest.

Jungkook thought it was unbelievable that Taehyung would still be in love with a man like Bogum after everything.

"I'm s-sorry..." Taehyung stutters in his cries. He was apologizing to Bogum who was now getting handcuffed and taken in for being abusive and starting a violent fight.

Taehyung tried justifying Bogum's actions but everything he shared had left Bogum guilty to the officers.

Bogum softly sighs. "It's okay baby, don't worry about it." He pressed a soft kiss over Taehyung's head and was now being walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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