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"Dad I'm home!" Jungkook says out loud while taking off his shoes at the door entrance.

He got no response.

Once his shoes were off. He walked down the hall and into his bedroom where he dropped off his backpack. Then he made his way back into the hall, calling for his dad.

"Dad? Are you home?"

He looked around.

When he made it to the living room he saw his father asleep on the couch. He had a bunch of alcohol bottles surrounding him. He probably over drank again and passed out.

Jungkook was cleaning up his mess.

He later then grabbed onto a warm blanket and plopped it on top of his father so he wouldn't get cold in his sleep.

Jungkook then made his way into the kitchen where he was preparing himself a late plate of dinner. After eating on his own, he went straight to his bedroom where he worked on some school work.

After that he pulled out a journal. It was like his diary. Jungkook never really wrote on it, only when he felt like it. Today was one of those days.

He had his open journal laying in front of him on his desk. The lamp's light he had next to it was shinning down on the blank sheets.

He wanted to write about Taehyung.

He was the only thing in his mind right now.

Journal entry 1 / friday

To my dearest diary,

Thought I could write for you more often.

I met a boy today at work.

I've never seen someone so pretty.

He was perfect in every way.

I don't know if it's possible to crush on someone you just met. But I've never felt this way towards anyone before.

I'll let you know what happens.

He wrote until he got sleepy that night.

— Saturday 11:00 am —

Jungkook was back at work. Today he was working with Seokjin and Yoongi, Usually the people he works with on the weekends.

"You seem a little more excited than usual?" Jin comments.

Jungkook was at the front, opening up the ice cream store. "Me?" He softly giggled. "I'm just in a good mood right now." He was hoping to see Taehyung stop by today so he was quick to open the store just so customers could start coming.

"Would've loved to sleep in today." Yoongi responds softly sighing. He was standing right in front of the cash register, ready for any customer to walk in and make a order.

"Take a small break. I'll take care of orders!" Jungkook says walking over to him.

"Wait. Really?" Yoongi's eyes widen a bit. He would love that.

"No jungkook, he has to make up his hours." Jin says softly sighing. Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Okay but..."
Jungkook scratches his head.
"can I be in charge of the orders today...?"

"You seem very motivated today." Jin smiled. "Sure kid."

Jungkook's lips form a small smile. He walks over to the cash register and takes Yoongi's place. The older was assigned another task to do in the meantime.

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