Love at first sight

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Jungkook works in a ice cream shop. He was a senior in high school soon to graduate. He was trying to make enough money to continue school after graduation. He only had a single parent at home who struggled with addiction. So he took his father's place and took care of the house. Not only was he saving money for school, he was also spending money to maintain their household and Jungkook worked every single day for that.

- firday 4:30 pm -

The staff at work had matching aprons to wear when they were on their shift. Usually it was only 3 people at a time working. Today Jungkook was accompanied by Namjoon and Hoseok.

Jungkook would work with them most days except the weekends. On the weekends, he was working with other people.

Jungkook wasn't so fond of his job. Making ice cream for people everyday wasn't so fun to him, but it was easy, he couldn't complain.

Working with Namjoon and Hoseok made work a lot more enjoyable.

"Would you like any toppings with that?" Hoseok had a bright smile on his face while looking at the customer. She nodded and smiled in return. "Just a sprinkle of chocolate chips."

Hoseok was currently taking care of the orders. Namjoon and Jungkook were chilling in the back room.

"How was school today?" Joon asked. He was on his short break since he had been taking care of orders earlier. He was also having a quick granola bar snack.

"Boring as usual." Jungkook answers as he starts putting on his working apron.

Joon chuckled softly. "You've got a few more months and you're out, don't worry."

Jungkook lets out a sign. "Can't wait."

"Aye jungkook! I need a hand out here!" Hoseok shouts out loud from the front.

"Coming!" Jungkook was quick to respond and rushed over to him.

At the front, Jungkook helped Hoseok with the ice cream orders. It was a very hot afternoon today so there was a long line of people waiting to order their ice cream.

Hoseok and Jungkook were kind of rushing with each order only so the line would shorten and people wouldn't have to wait as long.

After Jungkook finished a order, a customer approached him at the paying area ready to say their order. "Hi, may I get—"

"I'm sorry, may you wait here for a moment."
Jungkook was being asked for napkins from a few customers on the side. They had a whole stack in the front but had just ran out, so he went to the back to quickly get some on his own since Hoseok was too busy with another order and Namjoon was in his bathroom break.

Finally when he got a new pack of napkins, he ripped the package open and left the whole stack in the front. Then he headed back to the cashier area where he took people's orders.

"Sorry for the wait, what would you like to order for today?" Jungkook says looking up at the customer's face.

Jungkook felt his body freeze. His breathing almost stopped.

There in front of him stood a young male.

He had fluffy dark hair. Wavy bangs almost covering eyes. Prettiest long lashes. Soft red tinted heart lips. and honey tan skin.

He was so pretty.

"No it's alright." The boy softly smiled.

Jungkook felt his heart do a thing. How can someone's smile be so beautiful?

"What flavor do you want?" The boy looked down. He was holding hands with a younger boy, probably around the age of 4-6.

"Strawbeeeewy!" The younger boy points over at the strawberry ice cream.

"Sure." The older boy smiled and looked up and met eyes with Jungkook once again.

Jungkook felt his face burn up.

"Can I get one scoop of strawberry ice cream."

Jungkook takes a moment to clear his throat. "Y-Yes Of course." He takes a new empty cone. "Is there anything else you'd like to order...?"

The boy looked at the variety of ice cream flavors on display. "Can I get one scoop of the chocolate chip cookie dough." He says. "That's all." He had looked down and pulled some cash out of a long string bag he had hanging over his shoulder.

"Sure." Jungkook starts adding up the prices of both ice creams on the cash register. "That will be 5.30" he says and gets handed a bill over that. He takes it and gives him the change along with his receipt.

His order number was 17.

Jungkook went straight to the ice cream. With a scooper, he dug deep into the pink strawberry ice cream. He got one big scoop of it and placed it on top of the cone. Then he set the ice cream cone on a cone holder and moved on to the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

When he was done, he called their number. "Order number 17!"

Jungkook looks around, then he spots the boy make his way through the crowd along with the little kid by his side. They were approaching him.

"Thank you so much." The boy smiled taking the ice cream cones from his hand.

And again, that smile caused Jungkook to feel that same love arrow hit him straight in the heart.

"I want sprinkles on it..." the little kid whined with a frown. He was tugging onto the older boy's shirt.

"I got you." Jungkook responds smiling at the little boy. He took the ice cream cone from his hands and went back to add some rainbow sprinkles onto it like the kid wished.

"There you go." He says, finally handing the cone back.

The little boy's eyes shined and he grew a bright smile. "Thank you so much sir!"

The older boy smiled at the kind gesture, he looked at the ice cream worker. "Thank you."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. He nodded softly at him.

He then watched the two of them leave the shop. It felt like slow motion though. He could see the older boy talk to the younger one. They were giggling as they walked.

"Wow..." Jungkook was so struck by the boy's beauty that Hoseok had to snap him out of it.

"Jungkook there's other customers waiting!" Hoseok slapped his butt causing Jungkook to jump a little, but it helped him get back on track.

But the rest of the day he couldn't stop thinking about that boy.

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