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Will thought a lot about what his father had said to him last night and how the ball was now in his court. He did want to go see Lisa again and ask her out, but he still wasn't sure quite how to do it or whether he had the courage to see it through. He decided he wanted to play a bit of NES first as that was something he could handle. He asked his mom whether it was ok for him to do that and she agreed that he could. He booted up the game.

He started a new game and quickly made it through the first world without any trouble. The second world took him a little longer to do because he had the underwater level which was quite slow going but he managed to get past it in his first life this time. The third world was a breeze up till the boss stage which he had struggled on before and faced the same problem again. This time though he took his time to figure it out and though he lost one life in the process of doing this he saw that it was just a matter of timing he jumps to get past the fireballs and being patient. He used this knowledge to get passed the boss and completed the world.

Now he was in uncharted territory as he started on world 4. At first, it looked like all the other levels he had been on but then he saw new enemies. There was a guy floating around in a cloud who dropped these new spiked turtles' guys who he guessed you couldn't jump on and this made it quite annoying as the cloud guy kept spawning them. He was quite hard to get too but there were blocks he could jump up to reach him and he could be taken out by a fireball which was alright and so he carried on. The stage had a couple of them, but he managed to get past them easily enough and went onto the next stage. The next stage was another underground one which didn't prove to be that difficult although he did spot another new turtle enemy, one that didn't have a head but as they were easy to avoid they didn't really bother him that much and he got to the end of the stage alright. The next stage proved to be just as easy though it was the hardest layout of jumping level yet there was nothing dangerous here and as he had mastered the jumps now, he didn't fall to his death anywhere in the stage. He dreaded that this stage's boss level was going to be even worse than the last one, but it turned out to be not so bad. Sure, he got stuck as he took the wrong path and he had to backtrack to get to the right one. Then when he got to where the boss was, and he saw that it was even harder to jump past him he almost gave up, but he didn't, and he tried his best. This wasn't quite enough for his first go but on his second one he managed to get past the boss and saw him to his death.

Now it was time for world 5, it was again proved to be very similar to all that he had done before though it did introduce a new element as he saw there was a cannon thing on this stage which shot bullets out which damaged you when they hit you. He got past them though and completed the stage. The next stage though proved to be harder than any he had come across so far as they had these cannons on them, but they also introduced a new enemy in the form of these turtle guys who walked around and threw something at you which damaged you and when he came across the first one he died before he realised what was going on. He figured that they could be taken out by fireballs though and that's what he did next by keeping his distance and firing back he took out this new enemy. There were several more in the stage and they proved tricky to kill but he did manage it without losing any more lives and he got to the next stage. This stage had bullets come at him throughout, but they were easy to dodge, and the only other tricky part was a difficult jump which he didn't make first time but he had earned another life by collecting a hundred coins and so he got another go at it and this time he did do it. The boss stage added a lot more things for him to dodge which proved quite challenging, but he managed to get to the boss who then promptly killed him, and he had to do it all again. This greatly frustrated him, but he got on with it.

For the next hour or so he kept on playing Mario and he died at different bits but he kept on getting better at the game and figuring out new strategies to get past stages and worlds. He did get past the boss stage on world 5 but then his mom told him he had to switch it off as he had been playing it for too long and he complained at this but agreed and left it there. He then grabbed some lunch as it was around that time and as he wasn't really interested in playing with any of his other toy he decided to go out and see Lisa.

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