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"Since you helped me figure out how to get past that guy I will let you play through the next world, it will be a little harder than the first one I expect but I'm sure you can manage it," Will said looking at Arnold.

"Ok first tell me the controls," Arnold said.

"Well it's easy enough, this plus sign directs your character left or right, the B button makes you run or fire those fireballs when you have that power and the A button jumps your character" Will explained.

"Easy enough" Arnold replied and he unpaused the game and started the first level in the second world. He took a few seconds to get used to the way the character responded to his command and then he started moving forward. He noticed that there were a lot more enemies on this level than there had been with the first level on the first world and he did get hit by them, but he was figuring out the limits of the character. After his first death, he got more used to it and managed to get the firepower up to help kill them. As he carried on forwards, he noticed that this level was also a lot longer than the previous ones which meant there was more opportunity for him to be killed. They also introduced this new element of the spring which was towards the end of the level and he had to time his jump right in order to get over the next obstacle. He managed it and reached the end of the level.

The second level was very different as he went underwater, and it was a lot harder to control the character and there were new enemies to face here. The squid sort of tracked his movements and came towards him and it was hard to dodge so he ended up dying and that was his last life.

"Hard luck man," Will said.

"That level proved difficult, the way he swims is a little weird" Arnold replied.

"I have no doubt about that, anyway let's see what Malcolm can do, with all the lives being lost I think the game resets," Will said.

"I shall certainly give it a go and man that sucks but that means I'll have more time to get used to the character I guess," Malcolm said as he started the game again from the first world. He didn't complete it as fast or as confidently as Will did but he managed to get through the first level easy enough and carried on getting better as he went through each level. He managed to get past the boss at the end of level 4 with relative ease as he knew what to do and then he started world 2. The first level didn't pose much trouble for him as he was now very familiar with the controls and then he started the second level and he understood what Arnold meant about it being harder to control the character underwater. Even so, he managed to make it further than he did as he had more lives and so got used to the way the character handled in the water and he figured out ways to get past the enemies. He saw that there were also fish in the water that swam on a specific plane that he would have to avoid. He just about made it to the end of the level with only one life left and he didn't have any powers as there weren't any to pick up on that level which made it a lot harder. He got to the third level which had the fish from the previous one jumping out of the water and he had to time his run right to get past them. Unfortunately for him he didn't quite time it right and he died.

"It certainly seems that these levels are getting harder as we go along," Will said.

"That's definitely true, that water level is the worst but if you managed to get past that ok I think that next level would be ok and I'm sure they would have powers available on it to help you out," Malcolm said.

"Well let's see how far I can get now," Will said as he took the controller from Malcolm and went through it all again. He was getting faster at completing the first world that was for sure as he knew what was coming up and how best to counteract it. He even beat the boss in the best time and was onto the second world with all his lives intact. He didn't even struggle here as he had seen them go through it now and completed the first level with ease. The underwater level gave him a bit of trouble and he lost a life to it but after that, he got it under control and completed it. As Malcolm had predicted, on the third level there were places for you to get the power-ups which made it a lot easier and Will timed his runs correctly to get through them. The boss in this world didn't prove that much harder than the first one and he managed to get passed it as well. Once again, the guy told them that the princess was in another castle.

The first level in the third world didn't prove that difficult for him as it was pretty similar to the others just with a lot more enemies for him to go against. The next level proved just as easy for him to complete and he was enjoying himself now that he had a handle on the game. On the third level, it required him to jump on things again and some of this proved a little tricky so he lost a life here, but he managed to get through it. The boss level was a lot hard and required using precise timing which he didn't quite figure out and so he ended his go here.

He let the other two to have another go each and they both got further than they did before and he congratulated them on their success but then they had t switch it off as it was time for them to have some lunch and his mom had said that they couldn't remain on it after lunch. They had some turkey sandwiches for lunch which were a little dry but nice enough.

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