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The rest of the day at school passed fast enough and the four friends enjoyed it as they did a lot of fun stuff in class including watching a Christmas movie for the last hour of the day. Because they now had several days off before school would commence again, they would hang out together for the last few hours before Jason needed to get home to pack for his trip. With Jason going, Will let him choose what they would do, and he decided that they would go to the arcade.

It didn't take the group long to reach the arcade and once there they used what change they had on them to play several different machines from old favourites like Donkey Kong and Star Wars, Arnold still proved the best at Kong though he didn't practice it as much as he did last summer to beat it, Will was the most adept at Star Wars as that was the game he always went back to. To new favourites like Gauntlet, where each of them choose their own favourite character as it could have all of them play at once which not a lot of the arcade machines could do and them trying to get as far as possible on it, but they still weren't that great at it as the arcade had only installed the machine last month and they had only a couple goes at it so far. Still, they enjoyed playing it and learning how to control their characters better. Malcolm favoured the warrior, Will the Wizard, Arnold the Valkyrie and Jason the elf.

"With you going we won't be able to play this machine for a while," Arnold said.

"I know man and that sucks as I'm liking this new arcade game, but I'll be back before you know it and besides, I'm sure you guys will find something else to do" Jason replied.

"I have no doubt that we will, especially if it does snow," Will said.

"That's right just rub it in why don't you" Jason replied with a sad look.

"Sorry man" Will said.

"Ah it's ok, not your fault that I have to leave," Jason said.

"That it isn't but we'll miss you not being here and being involved with whatever we're going to get up to," Arnold said.

"Speak for yourself, it'll be nice to not hear so many bad jokes," Malcolm said with a grin.

"Well at least I'm funny, you don't have anything going for you," Jason said with a chuckle.

"One of these days I will rise to this provocation and you'll regret it," Malcolm said throwing a light punch Jason's way who dodged it.

"Maybe but I think I could take you" Jason replied.

"Enough of that for now guys, we still have some time for more games," Will said.

"True and they are more important," Jason said, and they went to the next arcade machine which was Pacman and played that for a bit. Soon enough it was time for Jason to go and Arnold said his goodbye to him as he went a different way home to the rest of them. Will and Malcolm walked back with Jason to where they lived, and they said their goodbyes when they split up and headed for the separate houses. Will certainly felt bad for Jason having to go to Florida tomorrow but then again if it was his granddad's last one it would be good to spend it with him. He made it back home and said hello to his mom before heading to his room and started on the Lego kit that Arnold had got him. It didn't take him too long as there weren't many pieces to it, but it looked good on his shelf next to the couple over models he had made all Star Wars related. Soon enough it was time for dinner, and he headed down and told his folks about their last day and what they had done after school and what Arnold had given each of them. They said that it was very nice of him to do that and that he should think of a way to thank him correctly and he said that he would. After he had finished eating, he helped clear away their stuff and then went back to his room to make a start on the homework the teachers had set them to do over the holidays.

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